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Cannot reproduce Internal or Server Error following reviving units with diamonds


Game version: 0.14.13212-d58ab70-(master) (2015-04-13 16:43)

Game world: Beta and US World 1

Browser + version: Chrome Version 42.0.2311.90 m

Flash Player version: 17,0,0,169 __

Operating System: Windows 8.1

Screen resolution: 1920 X 1080

Account name: Moryggan

Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 4/5

Quest title: Occurs following battles in the provinces

Current situation:

Clicking on the diamond button to revive troops often causes a box to pop up that says “Internal error” giving only an “OK” button to click. Clicking that cause the game to try to reload. It takes several tries to get back into the game, either just hanging at 64% or a box pops up that says “Server Error”

Screenshots of the bug:



Well-Known Member
Hi Moryggan,

To clarify this: Does this problem still occur for you on the Beta Server? As you can see in this thread, it should be resolved in our current game version. The US server runs an older version as we do on the Beta server and I see you mention bots US and Beta in your template. So to be clear: Is this still an issue for you on the Beta?


Well-Known Member
Moryggan, could you please provide us with the following information regarding your issue on the Beta server:

- which units
- how many were in the squad
- how many died / needed to be revived


It has happened so many times it hard to say any numbers. I have been using the Sword Dancers and Archers. Sometimes it is a whole squad, sometimes is is just a portion of a squad. And it was happening when my squads were whatever the first squad size is and now when I have the next squad size. It can happen when only one squad needs to be revived, or when two or more need to be revived. Not sure, but I think when it happens when there is more than one to revive, it happens on the first squad I click to revive.


I had this problem in some encounters.
It was always on pos. II of the startingplaces of my squads.
And as I remember it was always a SD-squad standing on this place.
the only solution was to negotiate this encounter.
I tried several times with newstart and accepting "continue battle" and with newstart and new beginning of sending squads - nothing else than to negotiate worked.
As I don't fight these days because of to strong enemies now in my encounters, I can't find an actual battle to make a screenie.


Well-Known Member
Since Game Version 0.14 we haven't been able to reproduce this issue ourselves here on the Beta server, so I'll change the thread to "Cannot Reproduce" for now. Should anyone encounter these problems here, please let us know with as much additional information as possible :)