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Fixed [4452] Browser crash after healing units with diamonds


General Description (Overview):

What I expected to happen:Collect reward after winning a battle

What actually happened:After victory and healing injured fighters, the game crashes with an error. “Sorry an error occurred! Sorry an internal error has occurred, please try again later”

How often has this happened:Almost after every battle

Screenshots/Additional information:

Reproduction Steps:

1.Fight a battle

2.When victory is gained begin to heal injured fighters. I spend diamonds to heal them.

3. If all are healed, try to get the reward. The crash happen here or while trying to heal your fighters.

Player Name: Legolas the true

World: beta 1

Operating System: Windows 7

Browser and Version: Firefox v. 36.0.4

Flash Version: 17,0,0,134

Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

Attached Files:

game crash.jpg
File size:
415 KB
I also tested this in Google Chrome
Last edited by a moderator:


Well-Known Member
This is indeed a known issue on which our development team is working for a solution. Thank you for reporting this, I'll set the topic to "confirmed" :)


This issue IS not fixed because it still happens regularly.