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Duplicate Inactive cities have Builders' Huts that can be boosted.


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.27-(1e9a89fa3) (2017-03-31 9:51)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Mozilla Firefox
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7 home premium
Screen resolution: 1366 x 768
Account name: Elderflower
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation: Cities of players who have left the game still show hands above the Builders' Hut indicating that their builders are available for neighbourly help

Expected situation: Builders Huts in the cities of players who have left the game should not be available for neighbourly help. Unless of course this is another April Fool ;)

Reproduction Steps

1 Visit someone you know has left the game

2 click on Neighbourly help button

3 Observe their Builders' Hut
quitters active builders 1.jpg quitters active builders 2.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Glad you got your boosts back. I'll be interested to see if my neighbouring inactives have "boost-able" Builders' Huts tomorrow.


I'll be interested to see if my neighbouring inactives have "boost-able" Builders' Huts tomorrow
Depends on the other neighbours, I have some inactive players around which obviously received help on the BH, so I could not hit it anymore


Well-Known Member
Depends on the other neighbours, I have some inactive players around which obviously received help on the BH, so I could not hit it anymore
You are so right. I just went round again today and all those whose Builders' Huts I had boosted yesterday were no longer available to receive help. It could be because of other active neighbours visiting them already. Today I boosted a few Huts that are kind of hidden away and so not obvious to the casual visitor. Tomorrow I can see if those are still receiving boosts or if the problem has solved itself.


Well-Known Member
This is complelty correct, this is the result of that bug.
Which seems to be fixed with todays 'shitty' version :)
I saw this and then went to aid my neighbours just now but it is still not completely fixed. For example, one neighbour, whose Main Hall is in a permanent state of upgrading so I am sure they are no longer active, had a Builders' Hut that I was able to boost.
Unless all the inactive Builders' Huts were reset so I will take two such boosts before you can no longer give them Neighbourly Help.


Well-Known Member
Just gone round my inactive neighbours today and again there were some whose Builders' Hut could be aided. If the problem is fixed then tomorrow even those should no longer be able to take a boost.


Well-Known Member
Finally got around to visiting my neighbours today. There are still three who I am pretty sure are inactive and yet I could still boost their builders. One of them
has a Crystal Lighthouse that is in a permanent state of upgrade so I am sure he has not visited his city in a while.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
That players has a lvl 5 builders hut tho. Since the original bug cleared all help that means you would have to give him at least 5 buffs on the buildershut before its full again.