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How many provinces you have done


hello Fellow Elvenar players, So i've just jioned the club and finished tech tree. I currently have 84 provinces done, I plan to only go 1 more ring out, i am sure i could go a few more, but i worry 2 things
1. when new tech comes out if you have gone too far ahead in battles by buying your way thru or using Goods that we have huge stock piles of. You might not be able to complete quests required to take battles and such giong forward
2. At some point are army size of curretnly max 192 will come up with Units that are 300-500 which cannot be one.

So with that 2 questions.
1. How many provinces do you have one so far
2. What is a reasonable amout of provinces you should take to allow Future release of game content



Hi, so far I have done 74 provinces and I am still a little far from the end of the tech tree, I think I'll keep scouting at least untill I will get all the expansions and after this I will worry about what to do.


Hi MandM,

I have cleared a total of 189 provinces so far and will not clear more at the moment. Not because i can't defeat the enemy, but because i don't want to lose more KP. I'm pretty sure we will get new content soon as more and more players have reached the end of the tree.

You could still clear provinces for extra expansions, they will be stored. I'm sure we will be able to make our cities bigger in the near future.

Who knows, maybe they will add more squad size upgrades to the tree so we get to take bigger squads to the battlefield.


Hi Mandm,
I've completed only 50 provinces and actually I'll not clear more for the same reason of Goryn: I'm waiting for new tech tree, so I don't loose a lot of KP.
Waiting for that, now I'm concentrated on upgrading all the buildings I can with the expansions I've ;)
Good game.


169 so far and I will conquer 215 for all building space and even then I will not stop, because scouting takes longer and longer and with a look at my map I guess there are still over 100 provinces scoutable without the need of a new scouting cost decrease from the tech tree.
Furthermore looking at the wiki that they updated the maximum possible province expansion to 64 (for 500! provinces :eek:) and the maximum avaibale goods boost to 700% for 500 relics indicates for me that in the near future more possible building space and new stuff for the tech tree is planned, since it is not possible to scout 500 provinces without scouting cost decrease, or more coin storage capacity.

So from my experience building space is harder to get, then going through tech (finished the tree one month ago and still need lots of scouting and conquering for the right now possible space), so I try to keep my scout as busy as possible.


Sounds to good. I hope nobody makes a joke with this new entry in the wiki.

With Premium and mainhall expansions we are can get 64+20+15 = 99 expansion!! Very well! But we need a much bigger cityfield!


interesting , i'm not losing KP anymore i am maxed with nowhere to put them :(
Yes i am now scouting as much as possible for now


i have 74 provinces done and am not quite done yet with the tech tree. I have just entered the last age.


I now have completed 134 provinces, nearly all of them are negotiated. Now I am at a point where negotiation not only costs goods but also diamonds. Crap!
Don't know if I will solve any more encounters.


Woot, since when negotiating costs diamonds? I have 184 provinces right now, even some in ring 13, and i haven't seen any encounters that needed diamonds to negotiate ?!?!?


Negotiating provinces never cost any diamonds. You do have an option to use diamonds if you don't have the necessary goods to negotiate.


191 here

... 24 or 54 or 309 to go

(information in the wikis differ considerably)


oh, thanks Goryn.
It seems that there is a new design if you don't have enough goods to negotiate.
In former times there was only a button to negotiate with diamonds. Know there are diamonds in addition to the needed goods.
Didn't get that change


Now it's like it was before. If you have got a lack of goods they are marked in red and there are no additional diamonds in the goods line. Only the button to sell with diamonds.
Seems to be an equal bug like that with the population needed for upgrading a building


I have just ended the tech tree and I have done 125 provinces.
I am going to continue to gain a maximum to have available expansion when the tech tree is going to get bigger.
Anyway while waiting for I do not have more than that to mak:estickouttongue: