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How did you find Elvenar?


I was wondering how everyone found the game? Did you come here from another InnoGames game (and which one(s)) or... ?


I am following the InnoGames facebook page, and when they posted about their new game, Elvenar, I already knew it's gonna be a hit! I have to say, I wasn't wrong :D


I've been playing FoE for about 2 years now which resulted in me following their Facebook Page at some time...That's where where I first heard of Elvenar and as I've been looking for a FoE'ish game for years before, I gave it a shot. So far I'm not disappointed at all :)


I am a Supporter in Forge of Empires and I got to know from my Community Manager about the new InnoGames product.
And I was waiting for it impatiently :D


Fun :D

I came from Tribal Wars myself, so also from another InnoGames game.
And I like fantasy, so I just had to try the game


Well, it's based on FoE so it's hard to be different, still it differes a lot, even tho the basics are quite similar.
I am curious how it will develop :)
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I'm pretty sure will be great with time! At least as FoE :) Btw, I come from there as well...


I never played FoE for long. I think a month or 2.
But I like the graphics and idea behind Elvenar more. So curious about the future as well


I also came from FoE, been there for 2.5 years now. This looked similar (as in, based on FoE) but with a slightly different concept and plus it allows you to pick different races so I thought I'd try it out. It looks promising, I might find it more appealing than FoE once it has completed beta (it's a bit hard to compare, FoE has a lot more content released at this point).


Innogames website, as I always follow them. Then I suscribed to the Facebook and Twitters accounts in order to be aware of the beta lauching (and It worked :D)


A friend of mine told me about it. This is my first game from innogames and i must say, it looks really great.


I'm a lover of FoE, so i'm up to date with all the news :D.


Hey! I heard about Elvenar after just clicking around the website. I started watching the videos that Innogames put out about it, liked the facebook page, and the first day pre-register was available I jumped at the chance to be in the game. I have always really like fantasy games, and this one reminds me a little of my first love Heroes of Might and Magic 3, though more in flavor, than in actual game mechanics. I think the art in this game is incredibly beautiful and the upgrade system is something I am truly excited to see.

Comparing this to FOE, I would say I really like the leveling/upgrading of buildings in this game, compared to the constant build up and tear downs of FOE, but I like Forge's technology tree for having a lot of choices. Since this is still in beta, I'm sure more tech choices will come, but for now it seems either you are researching military or goods. (We shall see how expansive it gets when I am higher level) ;-).


I come from the lands of Grepolis :p
Heard about it through the news feed there.


My first though was that it is the same as FoE. But it is definitely not. Well done.