Currently, when you visit someone using any feature profile display (well, top left corner thingy), be it through the ranking, a message, or an alert, once you are done visiting you only get the option to go 'back' to the map world. So ypu have to leave the map world to go to your city and click again on your display to be able to click on "Visit" another player using this method.
I suggest that when you visit someone fomr any feature of the profile display, you get an option to go back to the feature you used to visit the player. Like, if I go to the ranking and click on "Visit" on the player just above me on the ranking, after I'm done visiting his city, I'd click "Go back" (or whatever) and I would be immediately taken to the ranking display, right just where I was before clickin the "Visit" button.
I suggest that when you visit someone fomr any feature of the profile display, you get an option to go back to the feature you used to visit the player. Like, if I go to the ranking and click on "Visit" on the player just above me on the ranking, after I'm done visiting his city, I'd click "Go back" (or whatever) and I would be immediately taken to the ranking display, right just where I was before clickin the "Visit" button.