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Discussion Gathering of the Phoenix Cults

Deleted User - 81190

Wha, it seems the production depend really on the user:
Lovec Krys : 0.583 squad/h,
MinMax Gamer : 2.5 squad/h
Me Sylvans (lvl 29): 1.45 squad/h (without bear, but with needless)

I take 1 squad/h to calculate the nerf /3 (or /24 before christmas).
No, it's actually pretty consistent. @Lovec Krys stripped Simia and Needles effect from production numbers, with those he would be at ~1.3 squads/h. Me without 2x fed Bears would be at half the number above, so 1.3 sq/h again. You probably have higher Needles/Simia, but still pretty close at 1.45 sq/h.


Well-Known Member
Where can I find the Coldfire's stats for Elementals chapter?



Thank you.
So if my calculation is correct, it is a total of 3618 Sentient goods in 48 hours.
In comparison, my lvl 27 marbler produces 5896 moonstone in 3 hours.
My opinion: the Сoldfire's sentient output needs to be multiplied by 10-20 to make a decent or good building.
Thank you.

Edit: As for the feeding effect, I would suggest to replace 'scout' with 'clear a tournament province'. The amount of the additional KP could then vary from 1 to 3, for the highest evolution stage.
Thank you.
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In elemental chapter, a diamond or event quality culture building provides roughly 800 culture per square. When designing those buildings, Inno always calculates 1pop=2culture.

This means the Coldfire Phoenix is actually an ordinary 9-square pop/culture event building with a 7-square production building attached to it.

Compare with your elemental manufactory (20 squares) which needs 6529 pop (37 squares of level29 residences), 7 streets to connect them all up (7 squares), and a combined culture [manufactory plus residences minus streets] of over 3000 (4 squares), totalling 68 squares.

So in your post, you compared the output of 7 squares with the output of 68 squares ... See, your "multiplied by 10" request has already been granted.

(And I have not even considered the space to produce the T1 and seeds... that will likely make it a factor of 15-20 instead of just 10.)

So the Coldfire Phoenix is not a bad building. It is simply in line with other event rewards, and not as exceptionally good as some previous event buildings (harvest sets, winter set, fire phoenix and brown bear)


So the Coldfire Phoenix is not a bad building. It is simply in line with other event rewards, and not as exceptionally good as some previous event buildings (harvest sets, winter set, fire phoenix and brown bear)
Do not forget this building need street to connect.
It is all the problem with last 3 events, event's building need to be superior or with unique usefull abilities.
Another drawback, this building needs RR to upgrade and we can not use teleport on it, it is why scale to be like standard building is a non sense (+the difficulties to obtain this).

Sure the production part is marginal like 2 cases, the important part is pop+culture.

I try to do some calculations, for elemental, the building seems to be equivalent to 28 cases, sure not bad but some daily building have better ratio with less constrains. Hope that Inno does not nerf daily building in the next step !
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New Member
Chicken again! Why don't give me a phoenix? Something like the flying birds with blue wings shown in the picture during game loading, how beautiful they are!


Well-Known Member
This isn't correct. It's not platinum - elven gum - moonstone but your T4+1 - T4+2 - T4.

It's all the same values of all T4 literally, you just mention order. I took it from facebook elvenar group.

Elven architect has a lot of mistakes, i didn't use it. A lot of evo buildings messed up there.

does guy responsible for events working for enemy firm? otherwise i cant explain one bad change after another.

Apparently, cause people on live are raging and some want to create beta account just to come and bash the team.
I think what hurt them most were time-shorteners deleted entirely from chests, and main prizes. Phoenix is weak, but so was valentine platform. We just expected more for phoenix, after 2019 one. It seemed like strong event in the calendar, now it's not anymore.


Well-Known Member
So the Coldfire Phoenix is not a bad building. It is simply in line with other event rewards, and not as exceptionally good as some previous event buildings (harvest sets, winter set, fire phoenix and brown bear)
From today's point of view, these superior buildings should never have been integrated - so unfortunately a Pandorra's box was opened...


Well-Known Member
It's the same only on level 10.

Ok then, sorry just wanted to help him so found this screenshot on Fb group. Didn't know it wasn't 100% correct.

From today's point of view, these superior buildings should never have been integrated - so unfortunately a Pandorra's box was opened...

Appetite grows with consumption. After 2019 Phoenix and 2019 Bears event, every other event looks like a joke, and this one looks like a very, very bad one.
I can understand that they can't give out very powerful buildings at every event, but it was like 5 months since last event with powerful building (bears) and i thought that buildings with feed effect are bound to be powerful.

They consume pet food after all which is very hard to get and there's scarsity everywhere.
I thought for such cost it will reward something really good.

Deleted User - 81220

Fixed, Thankyou :)
There is a quest which is missing from your list. The 87th is collect marble, plank or silk. The "collect basic or crafted goods" and all the other quests are coming after this.


Well-Known Member
Will wishing wells be even once this event?
By the way... i always wondered what is the reason of introducing these new buildings with 367 pop per 1x1 square when it's obvious that there are much more powerful dailies. Is it just for looks or for people that don't know which buildings are most profitable like Venar's Rocks III or winter dailies?


Well-Known Member
Will wishing wells be even once this event?
By the way... i always wondered what is the reason of introducing these new buildings with 367 pop per 1x1 square when it's obvious that there are much more powerful dailies. Is it just for looks or for people that don't know which buildings are most profitable like Venar's Rocks III or winter dailies?

Several reasons:
  • You can't have 1 daily that pops up every day, that would be sooooo boring
  • Some people like different looks in there town, 99% of the players is NOT a powerplayer who only looks how they can build there city as powerfull and effective as possible
  • 1x1 buildings are awesome, even if there statistics arent the best in the game. you can't place a 5x5 building in every nook and cranny, but you can do that with a 1x1 building. some buildings are just awesome because there size fits just your needs.
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Well-Known Member
Several reasons:
  • You can't have 1 daily that pops up every day, that would be sooooo boring
  • Some people like different looks in there town, 99% of the players is NOT a powerplayer who only looks how they can build there city as powerfull and effective as possible
  • 1x1 buildings are awesome, even if there statistics arent the best in the game. you can't place a 5x5 building in every nook and cranny, but you can do that with a 1x1 building. some buildings are just awesome because there size fits just your needs.

I mean that some buildings have weak population ratio per 1x1 like Phoenix Cult has around 390 ratio per 1x1 and Venar's Rocks III have almost 500 pop per 1x1 square, what's the reason of such difference in buildings, and what's the reason of introducing entirely new dailies which are mediocre at best like this Phoenix Anatomist, Ghosts of Past, Present and Future etc... They are all one building with mediocre stats and different looks cause it's always 367 pop per 1x1 square for them...

Wouldn't be better if all these buildings had similar ratios just for us to choose what look we prefer? Like give Phoenix Cult same stats as Venar's Rocks III and Crab Hotel same stats as them - then you could choose what look you prefer and not worry that Hotel is weak, Cult is mediocre, Rocks III are best etc...

The way it is now, if you care about population you have 4 choices at the moment
1. Father Tree of Candy Canes
2. Winter Star
3. Igloo Festival
4. Venar's Rocks III

These are 4 buildings that still appear in events (there are better but ceased to appear after 2017) and have 500+ or near 500 population per 1x1 square.

all others are much, much weaker... Halloween 2019 building is 412.5 per square, others are 367 per square... Not much a choice because of that.
Why no phoenix daily with around 500 pop per square? Why no autumn one? Why only christmas has best ones and then 1 is from early summer event?
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Why Inno does not give the daily building list or min. 7 daily building in advance or give the great daily list (the best pop/cult, time reduction, wishing, ...) ?
For players on live, they have the beta list in advance (14 days).