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Duplicate Game freezes all day


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.34-(41242f4f9) (2017-06-29 7:36) ... also the ones before this week
Game world: BETA
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Google Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 x64
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10 Insider
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Elevenar
Humans or Elves: Humans for sure

Reproducibility: 4 = happens often, but not always

Quest title: n/a (if applicable)

Current situation:
The game freezes, if you switch into other browser tabs and come back instantly. Sometimes you need to switch to more than one browser tab ... anyway the game freezes every now and then as soon as you minimize the browser or switch tabs. As long as you stay in the game, the game works better ... which means, it freezes there also while playing.

Looking at the network tab of the developer tools, the game still "reacts" on mouse clicks. Each click generates more or less usefull JSON-responses, which are not evaluated or processed anymore.

Besides, I have the feeling the game uses much more of my (slow) CPU than some versions before. And I turned off any stupid stuff like "atmospheric effects" ... why you even implement such useless features?

Expected situation:
Game should not freeze, when other tabs, browser processes or flash instances are started/opened.

Reproduction Steps
Log in to the game
2. Have other browser tabs opened
3. Switch from the game tab to other browser tab
4. Switch back to the game tab
5. result: game freezed (if not, just repeat 3+4 one or two more times)

Screenshots of the bug:
none, cause the game is just freezed, so nothing special to see here.
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Well-Known Member
The difference is that you don't have to wait, just switch tab and come back. You also don't need to close the browser then, just reload the game.


Sorry but it's the same issue as that other one. Grace also described switching between tabs, she just waits a bit before going back but that isn't really necessary as you have noted. I'm having the some problem, sometimes it happens immediately if you switches tab, sometimes it takes a bit longer.

This is a Chrome/Flash issue since update to version 59.x


same thing happening in the recent version of vivaldi

Vivaldi 1.10.867.42 (Stable channel) (32-Bit)
Überarbeitung 1c037b7399035b4209e72455256615e8972493aa
Betriebssystem Windows
JavaScript V8

since vivaldi is based on chromium, which is essentially chrome without google-stuff, it doesn't come as a surprise.

since sometimes, blimps are stuck in mid air, and that it is sometimes possible to unfreeze it by switching to window mode (instead of full screen), I have the impression that it is not explicitely flash that causes the problem, but chrome/chromium/vivaldi, trying to save CPU-time by taking a screenshot and pretending that the game is still running, while the process is actually halted in the background. fairly good idea if the flash-program is just some sort of ad, and you don't want it to consume CPU-time while the tab is in the background, but a terrible idea if it is a whole flash-game.


I thought it was my computer and now I am reading this.
Not sure if my problem is the freeze you mean. I have often 2 games open, the beta one and the dutch one. And when I switch to something else, for example to read the forum, and come back in game, it is frozen, but not for a second, nly restart will help. I can't do anything, can't touch anything, only reloading will help. And when I go to the dutch server, the game is frozen there too. I think this started last tuesday or wednesday.and it is very annoying.
I am using google chrome.


@Anne65 yes, exactly.

try to force chrome into a window, that is a bit smaller, forcing it to reactivate the flash program.

quite often, that unfreezes it for me. sometimes flash crashs.


Try this as a workaround: don't use multiple tabs with Elvenar open when running Chrome, instead run each tab in it's own window of Chrome (start Chrome multiple times).