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Discussion Floral Awakening


Well-Known Member
Interesting to see leagues in shuffle-type event. I don't remember this happening ever before.

And the new portraits in my opinion look really cool



Well-Known Member
Absolutely ridiculous. ONLY ONE DAY between the end of the FSA and a new event? Seriously? Do you people ever bother to listen to the feedback you are getting where people ask for MORE TIME in between events? Apparently not, since now the already short time is reduced to practically nothing.
The event itself may be interesting, but I am getting event-weary and would like some time to play the game itself instead of endless events in between.

An option to opt-out of an event on the first day it starts would be appreciated. Meaning not seeing the quests, not getting the eventcurrency dropped for that event. Then those who want to can play it and those who want to skip it don't have to be annoyed by it.
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Well-Known Member
As we already know the answer, is this an idle question? :D
Yeah I know the answer, clearly these guys have never played an FA in their lives without a ridiculous amount of diamonds in reserve, so why would they have a FAngover. Of course they have no sympathy or understanding for why anyone would ignore their event today.


Well-Known Member
at first i thought it was a belated april fools joke! not even 24 hours after a GA again an event?? are you serious ?? instead of the always desired longer times between events, do you shorten them? I think you misunderstood something :((
you can't even tidy up your city in peace after the GA, let alone expand/rearrange something or set up the buildings required for research - that's not just slowly becoming no fun - it's no fun at all !!
that's my opinion


Well-Known Member
Do you guys even ever Play Elvenar? I wait a day before even asking my crew for feedback, especially with the ill advised G version of FA.
No, they never do.
The devs just seem to set up the new chapterbuildings, but obviously never actually run a city. Easy to do when you have the ability to just push a button and have fully leveled, maxed out buildings appear. No worries about space, or diamonds, or resources there, or having to allocate huge amounts of time and resources and space to maintain troops.
Look at some of their earlier vids; those never showed full cities, just the guestracebuildings, no residences, workshops, factories....must be nice to do it like that.


Well-Known Member
Do you guys even ever Play Elvenar? I wait a day before even asking my crew for feedback, especially with the ill advised G version of FA.

If they played, this game would be 100x better already in 2019.

Game devs that don't play their own game cannot understand it's problems.

These events are boring as hell since they abolished endless questline.
There's no time spent = reward option, there's only luck factor, if you have luck to get a lot of additional currency, you are in golden league.


Well-Known Member
I can totally do without endless quests, those were broken. Who needs to make 8 toolboxes with their big workshops over and over?

Grumpy here still hasn't started the event.


Well-Known Member
I can totally do without endless quests, those were broken. Who needs to make 8 toolboxes with their big workshops over and over?

Grumpy here still hasn't started the event.

Then your problem is 8 toolboxes quest, not endless questline.
We need content to play, not 5 second quest per day.


Well-Known Member
I've been stuck on quest 4 all day, to give neighborly help 4 times.
Most of us don't have the cheat sheets with the quests already known so if one does all their visits the night before an event begins, they are then locked out of continuing on with the event for a good long time.
Please give us quests we can accomplish and enjoy. Waiting around while everyone gets ahead is discouraging.
Maybe all quests, or most, could have the "or" option to do one or the other instead of leaving us stuck on something we have no control over.

I want that leaf Pegasus portrait! lol :)


Well-Known Member
I simply notice that I'm running out of steam with the frequency of the events. So far I've always played them all and had more and sometimes less fun. But the end of GA in the evening and the start of the next event the next morning is just too much for me.

I'm starting to not really care whether I reach the 260 steps or not. Something always falls off, and the rest really doesn't matter anymore.

On top of that, it now depends entirely on luck whether you get the Evo full at all or not.

It is no longer dependent on my diligence, my tactics, but now only on chance.

So its no more fun at all.

Luckily I doesnt grow at all at Beta. I am at chapter 16 and will stay there. Next chapters are with bad armys and more worse chance with tourney and spire.


Well-Known Member
We need content to play, not 5 second quest per day.

just out of curiosity, do you call BSA and events content?
I can honestly say, i find doing the same quests/productions for the last 7 years over and over kind of boring. honestly you dont even have to look at the quests anymore, i bet many of us know them by head by now.

Since the rewards are so good, that you can't even tell the difference in your city after an event then before, i just stopped doing events and BSA.
And thus i also find that this game lacks content, for a while now.

I feel like many of us are quitting right now out of boredom, and those we arent quitting yet, are just waiting for the next chapter to finally arrive, only to finish it and quit after it, since it will take a very long time again before new good contents comes and we lost our patience...

But maybe its just me... I hope there are still many new players finding this game for the first time, since they still have a few years to go till they reach the end

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
ust out of curiosity, do you call BSA and events content?
What is BSA? I found several meaning for it, but the two most common were "Bullet Spread Accuracy" and "Boy Scouts of America". At least I found out something strangely interesting. There is now a BSA merit badge for video gaming. Well, it's a game design merit badge. Here's the badge, you decide if it's video games or not.
