So, a couple days in now and there is definitely balancing issues with badges. So the badges and how many needed to do all paths
- Brew - 50 beverages (184)
- Carpenter - 10 advanced tools (156)
- Farmer - *10 baskets of groceries (162)
- Blacksmith - 5 toolboxes (336)
- Golden bracelet - large amount of marble, steel and/or planks (157)
- diamond necklace - *any 1 day t1 x 3 (161)
- statue - *any 2 day t1 x 2 (181)
- witch hat - *collect any 2 EE, PoP, MM, IM (155)
- Staff - 1 x CC (157)
- Wonder - 10kp into AW (330)
- guard - large number of units (148)
- coin - large amount of coin (159)
- residue - 15 VV (170)
- elemental - 10 relics (166)
- tiara - use 3 spells (183)
- ghost - solve 4 spire or tournament encounters (178)
So, the first 4 there is huge power over production by the amount of space allocated for level 1 workshops.
The BS requirements may be on the high side. With the road included, each workshop takes 5 squares. So, 5 squares/WS x 5 WS/badge x 336 badges/6 days/25 players would be an average of 56 squares per player needed for just BS.
For the farmers you can run 2 sets per day, so 5 squares/WS x 10 WS/badge x 162 badges/2 sets/day/6 days/25 players for 27 squares per player. So the designated resources for BS is in the range of double what's needed for the farmers. And there is another 6 hours per day that workshops for farmers could be making brews or carpenters.
The number of carpenters needed is about the same as the number of farmers, but they take 1/3rd the time to make, so 9 squares per player is a reasonable estimate.
Brew are easy to slip in and they are very cheap to make. The set of workshops that can make a carpenter in 3 hours can make about 6 Brews. What limits brews is players don't like making them.
The Bracelet is now made from t1 and the relative requires vary somewhat by chapter, relic boost, Mountain hall level. My chapter 10 requirement is 37k of t1. T1 set buildings count, but collection via AW for chests (crystal lighthouse), and purchase through the wholesaler do not count. My marble production is 2378 for a 3 hour production, for 15.6 collections. So, with 8 manufacturers, and 6 collections in a day, I could make 3 badges per day. The workshop is 18 squares, and corrected to include road requirements is 19.5 squares each, so, 19.5x8 is 156 squares, so you are looking at about 52 squares per badge per day. On 3 hour collections 8 manufacturers can make 3 per day, on 9 hour collection it is more like 2 per day. In my live game I only have 3 t1 manufacturers, so I'm going to assume I will have about 1/3rd the badge making ability there. The space requirement to increase bracelet production is huge. MM spells can increase the badge count, but 8 MM x 6 days is 48 MM. If mass numbers of players increase their t1, put t2 and t3 away to make more room for t1 it will cause an imbalance to goods. This badge would be better as simply requiring any goods, and including chest collections and the ability to use the wholesaler. On balance, the goods requirement for this badge is on the high side.
The requirements to make necklaces and statues went down a little and the flexibility was improved. This is a good change.
The removal of collecting a silly 100 goods for the witch hat is an excellent change and reduces annoying clicking to get out of the map and into the city where you can access the trader, to then go back to the map. This was an awful badge to collect and now doing 2 provinces in a row after province 9 on level 1 and 4 gives this badge, and there is also 1.5 badges possible for province 1 to 9 on each level, so 9 badges. There is some flexibility in that you can also make badges with the MA. The FA requirement of 155 badges is just over 6 each. A player that does 20 provinces to level 5 and the first 9 to level 6 will be able to make 20 badges.
The staff seems an easy badge to acquire at 1 CC, but it really depends on what the MA is used to make. It is good that you also get this badge from CC from the spire and the libraries, especially since some players rely on only those sources.
Wonder, guard and coin badges seem abundant, although, for a competitive FA they may be limiting.
Residue is a difficult badge. Right now my MA has choices of 5, 7, 8, 7, and 2 VV where one uses broken runes and the rest use 9 CC. The 8 VV is a portal profit and wastes 4 CC. You must use time instants to get more than one recipe. So with a fully leveled MA, and checking all 4 choices, you might get 2 badges per day, and you must use time instances to increase that. At a rate of making 2 residue per day you will probably use all of the CC you can make, so the resource to make this badge are highly limited and is likely where FA will crash in the pit with the highly competing FS. This badge would be better if it was one recipe, or 5-8 VV.
Elemental marbles will give one for every 3 tournament provinces past province 9, and every 2 provinces from level 4 or 5 where you get 5 relics/province. A player that plays 20 provinces can get 5 from level 1, 6 from level 2, 6 from level 3, 7 from level 4, and 8 from level 5, and 3 from level 6 just doing the first 9 provinces, so about 35 for a player that plays 20 provinces. If a player only does 10 provinces they could get about 16 badges.
The tiara is using 3 spells and if a player has 6 workshops and 6 marble and polished all, they would get 4 badges/day, for about 24 for the event, and then EE and IM and other manufacturers could also be polished.
A player that plays to the laboratory in the spire and does 20 provinces in the tournament could get 38 badges. At 10 provinces they would get 23 badges.
So, as it stands the way the badges are not balanced, a competitive FA would likely be a battle between who can produce the most VV, and it will result in huge supplies of t1 because of rearrangement to have more t1 and less of the other grades of goods.