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Elvenar and Early-State Adopters


Many of us are early-stage adopters. We gravitate to something new, without waiting for friends to recommend it, or for public reviews. We're creative, non-conformers, we push boundaries a bit. We're the target market for product developers, because we influence many others to purchase the products we help help introduce.

Based on what we're experiencing in Elvenar, the game is geared toward mid and late stage adopters. Individuals who are often less creative and more methodical. They tend do follow the rules, are comfortable doing as they're told. Productive, comfortable, and the foundations of society.

It's pretty straightforward here in the forums which players are which. We early-stagers aren't happy with the continual restrictions...the micromanagement...the reduction of options...the limitation of play time...the elimination of any creative strategy we apply to make the game of interest to us. To binge is to be! if we choose it.

The mid-stagers are happy to comply. They hear "build workshops", and they do it. They see a quest "do xx" and it doesn't seem quite right to just skip an assigned task; in fact, people who skip tasks are suspiciously irresponsible. They are content to log in, busy bee for a bit, then move onto something else. Order is everything.

These generalizations don't imply a value judgment. It's just one way to quantify the months and months of forum postings. Elvenar was, of course, initially played by mostly early-adoptors. We jump in, product test, and start "helping" with suggestions and observations.

The problem is that Elvenar's target market is the mid-late stage adopter market. The devs are gearing the product specifically...so for now they just tolerate the rest of us - basically string us along until they no longer need us.


As an early-stager; You're just unhappy because you relied on the quests. Even though devs have been messing with those quests, even going as far as only letting you decline one quest a day, you still couldn't accept the fact that they don't want quests to be your main source of income.
And now you just try to blame it on everybody else? That's just rude.


As an early-stager; You're just unhappy because you relied on the quests. Even though devs have been messing with those quests, even going as far as only letting you decline one quest a day, you still couldn't accept the fact that they don't want quests to be your main source of income.
And now you just try to blame it on everybody else? That's just rude.

Perhaps at some point, you will eventually post a reply which is a reply. You know, where you read a post and respond to its actual content. Until that day arrives....


It seems simply naive that you would exclude the developers as "part of the game." They have a vision of what they're trying to accomplish, and when some players don't "get it" then the developers make their vision more obvious.

It's not real tough to read the tea leaves, and play the game accordingly. I simply don't understand the fuss about the developers "changing the rules."


What a shame that is what is supposed to be a game has turned into this bickering over whether or not anyone is playing the game the "right" way. How could there be a right way? It is a game.

The only wrong way is to have uncertainty in the parameters.

I can't understand why anyone would be so upset that people relied on things in this game. Of course they did. That is why they spent a lot of money on this game. Without people thinking they could rely on the parameters of this game they never would have spent a dime...or it would have been terribly foolish. Why buy something today that is obsolete tomorrow? Without paying customers none of us have a game at all. So, my position is I support the thing that makes the customers the most happy. I say that is stability. You need new challenges sure, but you need to know what will be an important item and what will be useless and that depends on the parameters staying the same.

Not to mention, they tried taking away the quests and the game almost collapsed. People screamed at the top of their lungs and players all over all the worlds were upset. I don't care if you like the quests or hate them, the players have spoken. Anyone who ignores all that feedback would greatly harm this game. Now, I do think they are trying to destroy the quests one by one and little by little so they don't have that great outcry again, but they keep ignoring the underlying problem...that the game is too slow. They may succeed in destroying the quest system without a huge walkout, but what kind of game is left? I guess we will find out.


I may be repeating myself and unconsciously quote some other estimated members of this forum ;)

it is time for devs to stop bragging about their glorious design and awesome new features
the quest system is lame and that is why some cunning* players took advantage of it

devs need to rethink the quest system entirely : when all you may expect from a quest is coins and/or supplies, it is normal to consider quests as a source of income like houses and workshops

this has already been said, but we need a quest system that provides rewards from all panels of the game : coins, supplies, of course, and goods, KPs, rune shards, military units, anything goes !

*(as cunning as a fox with a degree in cunning from Cunning College at the University of Cunningham)
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They have a vision
Do you think this or you know, having some close relation with the devs? Looking 3 months back, looking how "evolved" the quest system looks like 1. or the vision exist, but is very strange, just they can understand it but has a big potential to alienate a lot of players, 2. or no vision at all, just some kind of firefighting is going on.


I feel with you.

currently I have the quest: build a wayfarers tavern.

1. it messes up my plans. for me, this quest means: build something, dump a lot of resources into it, and then scrap it again. for a small revenue, which doesn't even remotely match my plans.

2. it isn't even declinable.

there isn't much space for creativity, just follow the guidelines, named quests.

at least it is somewhat better than in early 2015. back then, the player was punished for doing something else the questsystem didn't ask for. punished by not getting a reward just because the player built it in another order. later, they gave rewards, if the questsystem detected something that was already done.
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one point that is really bad in Elvenar compared with FoE :
in FoE, when a quest asks "build", it validates as soon as you start building; you may resell the building immediately afterwards, it does not matter;
in Elvenar, you have to start building and wait for the build to be finished for the quest to validate, and this highly boring, especially with building times exceeding 12 hours ...

about the tavern, I had to make some room for it but it will help me upgrade some more buildings that I could not do with residences only ...
I am even considering building a second one :D


The lame quest system is given, looks like the devs and their managers don't care about. The continuous restrictions for different quests could be survived with some strategies (on native server I have 4 tier1, 12 tier2 and 12 tier3 manufactures, all maxed, doing 4x3h and 1x9h production and no tool problems with 10 workshops).

The pain part is that being in endgame, there is almost no playtime.
Each 3 hours I spend 10-15 mins collecting and restarting production and checking the trader.
In the morning I visit my fellows and those neighbors, who visited me.
And each 3 days I manage to discover/conquer a province. And that's all.
Even with a new guest race this will improve just a bit: instead of 3 days I will have a province in 3 days - 25%. And? I will have possibility to start again constructions, let's say +30 mins daily. And? Looking to Dec episode of InnoTV, in my understanding there will be some additional fights in the conquered provinces. Great. You will have playtime a couple of days until you are not losing your trained armies... But when you will have to wait a day to have a 5 groups army, then this addition will give you again max +20 mins playtime/day.


This is a ridiculous discussion. We players have not always seen eye-to-eye with the creators, so what? It is their game, it is their time, it is their effort that has done this work. Sure here and there are some rough bits, some dislikable parts in gameplay. They are working, we ask for more, we want a new endgame, we want this, we want that. Ptah, I say.
If you want something done about gameplay. Don't go clamoring for a new era so you can play a bit longer.


I like such posts where somebody is telling me, how shall I play :)
And nobody "clamored" for a new era. We were "clamoring" for something which allows more playtime.


That is what I mean. Don't do it and let them take their time finding the bugs or do it and don't be annoyed by bugs.