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Discussion Elvarian Carnival

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Active Member
This Event is unfair like those before.

Why you give the first ame 9 Quest to all and start with Quest 10 an unfair "Lottery" one. With which rigth some have to make 2 Basket of Groceries while the others may get the part with 3 Advanced Tools? While those with the 2nd part can easy go on after 3 hurs, the others have to wait 6 more hours.

Same with Quest 17: 3 x 3h or 2 x 9h Boosted Goods and Quest 22: 6 x Bread OR 4 x Advanced Tools

And i really hope you have reprogrammed the "Lottery-Quest-Manipulator" starting with Quest 30.

That all only because you dont like "Spoilers"?

Dear Inno, i have to tell you something


Can you please come back to same Quests for ALL or give us the option that we can choose if we like to take part on this event or not.



Well-Known Member
And i really hope you have reprogrammed the "Lottery-Quest-Manipulator" starting with Quest 30.
Nope, it is the same as in previous event with 4 added conditions. The ones that nobody like, btw...
The only positive thing - quests asking for more than one tier goods now count them all at once... but T1-T2-T3 quest asks x2 more than T1-only quest, which make it just a harder version of T1 - only quest, but not the one that can be considered as alternative...

Deleted User - 81190

@MinMax Gamer, purple is not last there in any kind of sorting, btw
That's because sorting by these ratios is not the right way to do it, the relationship is more complex than that. Here is a thought experiment to show that. So let's add 3 more (terrible) chests to the existing mix:

chestA: costs 100, gives 1 token, no currency back, so adjusted ratio is 100
chestB: costs 999, gives 10 tokens, no currency back, so adjusted ratio is 99.9
chestC: costs 5000, gives 60 tokens, no currency back, so adjusted ratio is 83.3

According to sorting by ratios, you should pick chestC if you had to pick between these 3. Do you really think it is an optimal choice (hint: it is not)?


Well-Known Member
If you are aiming to get maximum tokens - then yes, chestC is best unless you have seriously more profitable chests not listed here. But not sure if 22/18 is really that big profit to shift 161 chest down to the last position. Especially if you can get even worse chests next few tries.
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Deleted User - 81190

If you are aiming to get maximum tokens - then yes, chestC is best unless you have seriously more profitable chests not listed here.
As I mentioned, these chests are added to existing 9 - which are indeed more profitable than these 3. chestC is definitely not the best, and the same applies to Purple.


Well-Known Member
Almost every chest I open gives a coin or supply spell. Really? More chests mean nothing if we are back to those as the most often received prize. I still don't want them. Two steps forward, one step back. So boring.


Well-Known Member
  1. My comment about the Quest Set from the last event was that it was the best they have done yet - there were very few if any quests that would make it impossible for unusual cities to progress. Re-introducing this Level 16 build is, for me, a massive step backwards.

We had a problem with players being able to 'cheat' the system by placing too many workshops and factories then that was intended, this would become a huge problem when we made the quest endless.
My guess is that they are not planning the quest system for the "unusual" cities. It makes it too difficult for the regular cities, which undoubtably far outnumber the unusual cities. Since you have a genuine necessity to have an unusual city, easily understood by the way, wouldn't it make more sense to keep a few level 15 marble factories on hand for this very reason? Why tear them down, since another event is right around the corner? If you're in Orcs you can upgrade them to level 19, in Woodelves you can get them to 23. You have until Elementals, when at level 24 they automatically become huge sentient goods buildings.


Just to let INNO programmers know... not everyone has young eyes. Think 40 years down the line. Make the candy pick-up piece graphic bigger. They seem barely passable on my tablet but on my computer the candy pieces are tiny and I despise (in capital letters) trying to look for them. Make the game fun. No skin off your nose to make things easier to see.

Deleted User - 70079

Just to let INNO programmers know... not everyone has young eyes. Think 40 years down the line. Make the candy pick-up piece graphic bigger. They seem barely passable on my tablet but on my computer the candy pieces are tiny and I despise (in capital letters) trying to look for them. Make the game fun. No skin off your nose to make things easier to see.
My eyesight is just fine, and I still have trouble with this graphic. It does have a tendency to blend in and could really do with a redesign. The red ribbons in the winter event were a good example of how to do it right (probably the only thing done right in that event, but that's another matter).

*edit* How about something like this?
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Well-Known Member
Apparently I have entered the bonus quests, giving 20 candies each, a bit less then half the maximum candies ( with an upgrade to lvl16 quest of course). I have 2 artefacts, I am halfway to the carting library and I have 2700 candies. Assuming I earn more 1,3 k candies from daily quests and scattered candies that's 4k candies. To get the 9 artefacts I need 270 more flags so roughly 15 candies per flag. So either one is extremely lucky ( I got 500 candies once from the big chest) or it is impossible to get the 9 artefacts from the normal quests. And the 18 chest pops up very seldomly, I got it twice so far...

This event is a bit on the Scrooge side, I understand you had to nerf the time instants but the nerfing got a bit too extreme and on top of that it will be complicated for casual players to get a fully upgraded building; I could bet nobody will get 3 lvl 10 buildings and I have doubts if anybody will bother with 2...


Dear Humans and Elves,

Please see the announcement for this year's Carnival Event here and let us know your thoughts!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team
Like the interface. tired of the semi-random quests.. Ridiculous quest in my tiny city. The quest for Research or Building upgrade is a NON-choice. No building in my Chapter 5 can be elevated to the required level. Totally and IMPOSSIBLE quest.


Well-Known Member
The quest for Research or Building upgrade is a NON-choice. No building in my Chapter 5 can be elevated to the required level. Totally and IMPOSSIBLE quest.
If you are on chapt. 5 you haven't to wait for guest race goods to unlock technologies, and so completing a research is much more easier.


Well-Known Member
Comments and Suggestions - first impressions; more to follow
  1. The awful upgrade a building to level 16 is back again! I had hoped that we had seen the last of this - it forces me to sell a good building and build it again - which is a total waste of time, presuming I do not have a technology to do, or an Ancient Wonder to upgrade.
    Event quests should be constructive not destructive! They should add to normal city development - not work against it!!
    My comment about the Quest Set from the last event was that it was the best they have done yet - there were very few if any quests that would make it impossible for unusual cities to progress. Re-introducing this Level 16 build is, for me, a massive step backwards.
    Note: There are LOTS of entrance level players who do not have level 16 buildings of ANY kind in their city!!

  2. Daily Quest #4 is a rotter! Solve 2 Encounters.
    There are some players who do not have ANY Map Encounters available for various reasons, most commonly ‘Orc Lock’.
    Having this quest as early as # 4 means that effectively these players will only have one questline for the rest of the event - and that is really unfair.
    It would be better, I think, to make this ANY Encounter including Spire and Tournament.
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