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Discussion Release Notes version 0.31

Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the update to version 0.31. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


New issue @Muf-Muf

After 0.31 upgrade. My ranking shows that I am the first.


:p:p:p:pIs there any chance for us getting a month long contest where we all get diamonds like on the other server?
While we do see (recurring) requests for such contests here at Beta, it is unlikely that we will host these on our Beta server (at least in the near future). These type of events take a lot of time and energy from the team (preperation, going through entries, etc.) and while we do really enjoy doing the work needed for them, it would also mean that we cannot spend that time on doing what Beta is here for: testing the game and reporting bugs to our development team. We do this to minimize the workload regarding bugs and errors on our Live servers, giving the teams at our Live servers the chance and time to prepare and host the most epic contests for you to enjoy. Long story short: we would rather spend our "extra" time here on more testing than on preparing contests, especially now that we have so many language servers up and running already, offering you a wide variety of Elvenar-related contests worldwide. :)


Seriously, I get why YOU are working on beta...you get compensation. But why are WE working on beta then? We get the most buggy server with the biggest problems and the largest headaches.

Maybe if we all just stop working so hard reporting bugs, that will give you a lot less to do. I know I don't like feeling like a chump.

Long story short: we would rather spend our "extra" time here on more testing than on preparing contests

Of course, Inno could always just give us diamonds without any contest as a way to say........ oh, I don't know, thank you, we appreciate all the hard work you all put in and for help making Inno rich?
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I can't understand the motives of a dev team that doesn't release content for Christmas. I guess everyone will spend their Christmas money elsewhere.


Inno could give us some Diamonds per server upgrade. Just like in Forge of Empires. They give 500 Diamonds per upgrade to all active players on Beta server.
That's a fair trade to the hard work for players who always play here, finding and reporting bugs.
And this is not complicated to implement, is only writing the code line by saying that every major update, players over 15 days of monthly activity will get 500 diamonds.

Edit #1
Long story short: we would rather spend our "extra" time here on more testing than on preparing contests, especially now that we have so many language servers up and running already, offering you a wide variety of Elvenar-related contests worldwide. :)

there's a catch. Many players who play here, do not play the "live servers." And they spent money buying diamond here to Beta server. So let's not be selfish as to think that we, players, should be grateful for the chance to play in the beta server and that we should not charge anything. Would it be so hard to create a command line like in the Forge of Empires(another InnoGames game), to give the active players a way to play more in the beta? If not, what are we doing here?


Edit #2

In conclusion.
Doesn't Need to be specifically diamonds as a way to "pay" the players.
Daily bonuses for login every day could be a very good solution for this.
But do not get me wrong. Would have to be bonuses according to the level of each player.
There's no point to give 500, 1000, 1500 supplies for players who produce more in less time.
And, don't do anything, will only increase the unhappiness of the players as well as disloyalty to their game.

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While we do see (recurring) requests for such contests here at Beta, it is unlikely that we will host these on our Beta server (at least in the near future). These type of events take a lot of time and energy from the team (preperation, going through entries, etc.) and while we do really enjoy doing the work needed for them, it would also mean that we cannot spend that time on doing what Beta is here for: testing the game and reporting bugs to our development team. We do this to minimize the workload regarding bugs and errors on our Live servers, giving the teams at our Live servers the chance and time to prepare and host the most epic contests for you to enjoy. Long story short: we would rather spend our "extra" time here on more testing than on preparing contests, especially now that we have so many language servers up and running already, offering you a wide variety of Elvenar-related contests worldwide. :)

Sorry to say, but this attitude is the main reason for me not to play on beta any longer. If you are not a passionate tester the formula for the beta server compared to the live servers is:

Do more - get less!

You should really reconsider this. Besides I do not understand why (future) ingame events should not require testing like normal game elements.

Have a nice Advent season! :)


While we do see (recurring) requests for such contests here at Beta, it is unlikely that we will host these on our Beta server (at least in the near future). These type of events take a lot of time and energy from the team (preperation, going through entries, etc.) and while we do really enjoy doing the work needed for them, it would also mean that we cannot spend that time on doing what Beta is here for: testing the game and reporting bugs to our development team. We do this to minimize the workload regarding bugs and errors on our Live servers, giving the teams at our Live servers the chance and time to prepare and host the most epic contests for you to enjoy. Long story short: we would rather spend our "extra" time here on more testing than on preparing contests, especially now that we have so many language servers up and running already, offering you a wide variety of Elvenar-related contests worldwide. :)

Thank you for your frank and clear answer muf muf and I understands completely that you do not have time to take care of it.

On the other hand if I understood well inno does not put the sufficient means to manage the beta version of the game, I thus consider that they think that the beta version of elvenar is not a profitable part for them and that they concentrate on the national servers.
In this case for what actually not to give diamonds in presents to all the players seen whom anyway they do not want to invest on the béta then why we should invest on the béta?

I does not make party of the players who buy diamonds (I can conceive thus completely to continue to play without) but I find that it is not really correct on behalf of inno to the players who invested with some money on the beta version of elvenar.

I am well to continue to play this game which I like very much, but it is these small presents in more that make that the players do not grow tired of a game, and I think that shall be it an error to rule out the beta version.
From what I read here it sounds like the reward is much more important than some contest to go with it. Is that right, or am I mistaken? :) We are open to rewarding our beta players for helping us test the game, the only thing to figure out then is: how exactly? Just randomly giving Diamonds does not sound like the best possible way to me personally, because that does not give an incentive to report the bugs you find while playing. I'll do some thinking of my own on this subject, but if you have some ideas, be sure to shoot them my way. Let's see what we can come up with. :)


randomly giving diamonds ?
no, certainly not
providing diamonds on every update would be fairer ;)
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I have found little to no bugs, but the biggest issue is getting a picture on the forum. Can't you get the forum team to upgrade the forum so I can just copy and past pictures?
It is really annoying to post a picture on a online web service and than post that picture from the service to the forum. I don't know if anyone complained about that already, but it is something really annoying.

Second: Good work on the update.
Bad work, I can't hold my mouse button and collect all the money anymore.
Can't you get the forum team to upgrade the forum so I can just copy and past pictures?
This is indeed not possible with XenForo, I'm afraid. :)

Second: Good work on the update.
Thank you!

Bad work, I can't hold my mouse button and collect all the money anymore.
Hmm, tried this ingame again just now, and it works for me. Does it still not work correctly after a refresh? If not, please create a bug report for it in the Report a Bug section of the forum. :)


#1 Create "Daily Bonus" system.
Plz don't implement some of these log in 29 days in a row for more or less useless daily stuff, to recieve a couple of diamonds on the 30th day, but if you miss one day you start at day 1... I really, really hate these systems.


No need to wait for thirty days. Five days is doin just fine too. ;)