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Duplicate coins collect icon disappears behind cultural building

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Game version: 0.21.15154-6ca4013-(master) (2015-07-27 14:32)
Game world: zz1 - beta
Browser + version: mozilla firefox 39.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: windows 8.1
Screen resolution: 1366 x 768
Account name: Tintagel
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
- the coin that is hovering above houses disappears behind a small cultural buiding behind it (I could check with twin flowerbed and it also happens with a tree). It is still a little visible when it jumps up and down.
- the coin does -not- disappear underneath a production building or a large cultural building like the battle monument).

Expected situation:
I expected the collect icon to remain completely visible and to be placed in front of other buildings, including these smaller cultural items.

Reproduction Steps:
1. have a house (mine are level 13 and 14)
2. build a small cultural building next to it (behind it)
3. make sure the cultural building is placed in the exact spot where the coin-collect-icon of the house in front of it will appear
4. wait till the house gets its coin-icon that shows it's ready to be collected
5. see that the coin will show up (half) underneath the cultural building, but may pop up a bit when it moves

Screenshots of the bug:

All but one of my houses are level 13 and 14. The last one is level 15 - and surprisingly, this one doesn't trigger the bug. This may happen because the collect-icon for that house is in a slightly different position.
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