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Duplicate City expansion not unlocked

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I have researched both city expansion 10 that city expansion 11 but among my buildings -> city expansion, was not unlock anything.

Game world: Beta1
Browser: firefox
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1024 x 768
Account name: Thesan


Many thanks yes it is a big help but I think my case is a bit different because the expansion, at first seemed available. It lacked only the amount of money to buy it. I raised one level the Main Hall to have all the money needed and after that, the expansion that seemed available, it was not more.
Sorry for my english


I also experienced a missing expansion that I earned on the world map. It is not available as of this morning, so I don't think the issue is fixed.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hi Thesan and caveman64, welcome to the forum both! :)

For an explanation of the issue with Research expansions, please see Muf-Muf's post here (click). If you have any questions or doubts, or would like us to check the number of expansions you have placed, please submit a ticket to support. You can do this by either right-clicking anywhere in-game and choosing 'Support', or from your main menu (accessed via the cog button at the lower right of your city screen) choose '?' and then click on the green 'Support' button.
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