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Discussion Chapter 17 - The Traders of Unur


Active Member
@Indianaking Yes, it does decay, 10%. I expect to get wonder for lowering the decay somewhere in chapters 18 to 20. So far there is no lowering during chapter 17.

As known, the dealer has a 3-hour collection bonus for seeds. But how does it work with Unurium? Is there also a collective bonus and if so, how is it calculated? THX :)


As known, the dealer has a 3-hour collection bonus for seeds. But how does it work with Unurium? Is there also a collective bonus and if so, how is it calculated? THX :)
On page 1, someone posted: daily production of Unurium = 10% of working pop; and collection bonus = 1% of needed culture.
In event building design, developers consider 1 pop as valuable as 2 culture, so the needed real estate to raise pop or culture for Unurium purposes would be "balanced" at 5 collections per day. Fits the existing 3-hour cycle.

Deleted User - 70079

Can anyone post a screenshot of the new player portraits that come with this chapter?


Well-Known Member

Deleted User - 3284

Funny, I like them! Can't wait to set this Orc Lady as my Portrait - unfortunately it will probably take me around two years to get there :p


Well-Known Member
does anybody have suggestions on how to dispose the ships for an efficient settlement? thank you :)


Active Member
does anybody have suggestions on how to dispose the ships for an efficient settlement? thank you :)

Maybe this will be my setup for live...... Portal, 3 flagships, 2 of each of the big ones and 4/4/3 of the small ships. Anyway, I will need nearly 27 expansions for that. I don't play storyline quests ....

Kap 17 settlement live.png


Well-Known Member
Maybe this will be my setup for live...... Portal, 3 flagships, 2 of each of the big ones and 4/4/3 of the small ships. Anyway, I will need nearly 27 expansions for that. I don't play storyline quests ....

View attachment 8080
Thank you :) I have read in a blog that Big Ships need to be in contact with Flagship to work. If this is true, it seems your layout is not "compliant". Did you base it on your assumptions or on written constraints? I designed an L layout for 1/2/3 of each type.


  • Cattura.PNG
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Active Member
hmmmmm..... as description says

Kap 17 Verbindung big ships.png "... directly or indirectly" .....

I thought that the indirect connection would also be sufficient. Maybe I'm wrong or the description is extremely misleading :(
Unfortunately, I'm only with the halflings on the beta ......

Edit: If, however, a direct connection should actually be necessary, the description should clearly be different .
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I think it's probably safe to say that I will never play this chapter. This may not be the recommended way to play, but my 'free' space that will end up as part of a guest race area is now down to the equivalent of 8 expansions. I suspect this guest race will require, what, twice, three times that?

It makes no sense to me anymore to keep a huge unused area in my city, so in effect I treat playing a new chapter a little bit like I do a fellowship adventure - i.e. I tear down a big part of my city that I can live without for a while and all the while I'm hoping it will be over as soon as possible so that I can put everything back.

I don't build my city for maximum efficiency. I build it to have it looking the way I want it to. So I will also never upgrade everything to maximum level.

Considering the amazing art department (or whatever it's called) that Inno has, it surprises me a lot that they have a city building game where no value is placed in building amazing looking cities.

Is this game not for me?
Pauly- I agree....as an artist myself- the part I enjoy most is the "Graphic Puzzle" of placing buildings to fit, while building a beautiful city!!

I detest being FORCED into a structure where I MUST sell buildings I like, just to meet the chapter storyline and tech tree as well as the Guest Races gobbling up any available land.

I HATE that every city in the higher chapters end up LOOKING ALIKE!!! >>>>>>>>>BORING!!!!!!!<<<<<<<<<<<

It feels like they are treating us like a bunch of sheep that they are herding into a specific corral.....and we are paying for the privilege.

The original ads for this game bragged of being able to build a beautiful ELVEN city....but many of the buildings they offer have been BUTT UGLY....not the graceful tall magical building I would rather build.

Given their resources off of the game and its popularity and given the addiction level and diamond purchasing power...I expect more of the developers than mediocre art. Who wants more dirt brown muddy blah buildings that look like they were made out of mud pies?

Oh! The Elvenanity!!!


Well-Known Member
Ideal setup is based on what you can afford (depending on resources and your free space) and what fits your strategy (the time you can be online, do you follow story quests, etc.) Even if someone posts a "thats what you need for this chapter" guide – one thing I've learned: don't follow it, but instead make your own mind and create a setup which fits your playstyle.


Well-Known Member
I read 2 comments on ur article (btw, thnx for doing them, much apreciated):
- Did I read this correctly? We research Flagships BEFORE Portal 2, but Flagships cost more to build (130k ElvZ) than Portal 1 can hold (120k)? Basically making Vortex Level 3 (+8.33% storage needed) mandatory for a head start!?
- I have to correct myself to the worse: The Portal2 research requires the resources produced by the flagships. If Portal1 does not have enough storage capacity to build the flagships in the first place, this makes Vortex definitely mandatory. And to me, a mandatory wonder is an absolute NO-GO. This must not reach live servers.

My question is - do I have to build and upgrade the Vortex asap? I am asking for a friend :D :D :D lol, no ... I am asking for my live city.


Active Member
Ideal setup is based on what you can afford (depending on resources and your free space) and what fits your strategy (the time you can be online, do you follow story quests, etc.) Even if someone posts a "thats what you need for this chapter" guide – one thing I've learned: don't follow it, but instead make your own mind and create a setup which fits your playstyle.

Absolutely right, that's how I've always done it. Still, I would really like to know- please :) - if the big ships actually have to be directly connected to the flagships......


Well-Known Member
I just read the tread.
There´s lots of good info about the different mecanics.
Thx. to @Pauly7 for getting @Dony ´s paranoid fake news, about not being able to store buildings i Cap. 17, debunked fast.
Early in the tread everything (as always) focused on tournament:
Yes if you research, build and upgrade wonders, and expand your city, then SS in tournament rises.
Many ppl. seem to view the tournament as the game. The rest is trimmings. No news there.
I complain, about ppl. not being able to see past their hatered towards the new tournament. No news there :p

But then more interesting topics arose:
- The use of other "parameters" in-game to determine production.
I think it´s good, that there´s a "bi-product" to several demands.
If you increase your employment (as you would anyway, due to other demands), then you get an increase in Unurium production.
It´s in the ballpark of getting increase in seed production due to AW-levels. It´s "free".
I know producing Unurium replaces seed production, but then other seed produceing buildings rise in value.
I also know nothing´s free. Many ppl. will feel the need, to get their materials from "ordinary" buildings instead of event buildings.
The way they do this is up to themselves.
It also stands to reason, that some event buildings would eventually produce Unurium.

- Another topic was about the guest race itself.
There´s two sub-topics: the size of the settlement, and the quest chain.
They are connected in that matter, that some quests demand building certain buildings.
I haven´t read the quest-chain yes, but they can go in two ways: the orc-way, or the constructs-way.
The orc way: You have to complete the tech tree. Figure out how many buildings you want to do it.
The constructs way: You have to build this amount of buildings. Research your way trough the tech tree, as you build.
The orc way nurtures you like a helper. The constructs way forces you like a bully.
The most sane response to constructs way is: screw the quest chain:mad:
Easy fix: make the single quests "abandonable".
It should always be an option, to do a chapter with a "skeleton" settlement.
Well it will take longer, if you produce fewer guest race goods.
I´m in no hurry, and would rather keep a sound "normal" production beside the guest race.
Others would like to race to certain points in the tech tree. They should be allowed to do that as well, with no limitations exept space and ressources.
Looking forward to hear what this quest chain is like.

The tech tree:
It´s a good thing, that so many techs are volantary.
First of all it would be unfair, if to many things you don´t value count towards tournament SS.
Second it´s annoying to use KP and mats on something you don´t want.
I don´t miss anymore unit upgrades. If some troops need a boost, do so without new techs.
I liked the "all factories increased by one tech" better then one tech for each type. It feels more rewarding to me.
The AW´s seem better than the last ones, but aren´t impressive. The Ark is useless untill next chapter comes. The oracle is underpowered.

Some ppl. complain, that they have to choose between a pretty city and a efficient city.
It has always been that way. Being able to upgrade old event buildings have helped.
This chapter may or may not make the choice harder for some. It´s not up to me to judge others choices.
The only thing to remember is: INNO isn´t forcing anyone to make an efficient city.
If you want a city with fairy houses, dwarf workshops, goblin streets, and a big park with no buildings......
Knock youself out, but don´t expect it to be an effective city for tournament :cool: