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Duplicate Button in Tournament list in menu doesn't work properly anymore


Game version: v1.7.2-(fc71462) (2016-05-26 8:42)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: __ Google chrome 50.0.2661.102 m
Flash Player version: __ Adobe flash player
Operating System: __ Windows 8.1
Screen resolution: __1920x1080
Account name: __Anne65
Humans or Elves: __Elves


Current situation:
I want to go to the next province via the button in the list of the tournament menu. But it doesn't work anymore after today's update, while it did this morning before the update. As you can see the button of province 10 is grey, while province 10 is ready for a fight. It is the same for other provinces. Refreshing the game did not help.

Expected situation:
I expect to see usable green buttons if a province is ready. It shouldn't say it is preparing when it is already ready to fight again..

Reproduction steps
1. Open the world map.
2. Open the tournament menu under in your screen.
3. Check which province is ready for a fight. The button should be green, but isn't.
4. Only a province where you did not fight at all this tournament has a green button.

tournament error.png


we are back to scrolling the map miserably, looking for available provinces ...
have you guys no respect ? :p


Well-Known Member
fot the reproduction steps, this also seems to happen when you scroll back a page.
It happened to me at level 5 (without scrolling back I think) and at all other levels when scrolling back from second or third page to the page before.


Well-Known Member
Confirmed, ALL provinces are grey-ed out in the list, even if the are all available! (for me, first level tournaments did work yesterday, now (second level) they don't)

The next LEVEL ONE province is available with a green icon, but all AVAILABLE level 2 provinces are grey-ed out.


I can do level 5 now, province 1-4 are ready and the buttons are grey, without having scrolled back or forward, I only have 1 page.

grey button.png