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City Buildings are linked to each other


I couldnt find a topic to this but I think we have talked about somewhere. So her is the thread and more in detail. :)

I would be nice to have links between buildings. Like ... to work in a Workshop you need workers. Where do they come from? From houses! So this is just a simple explaining why it should be linked.

What does it bring:
5% Bonus on producing

Other specifica:
- Culture buildings should be seperated into culture buildings and just decoration (1x1/1x2 and 1x3 are decoration)
- only culture buildings bring a bonus
- if more than one are linked, the bonus is decreasing: 5% with one linked building, +2,5% for another building, +1,25% for a third building. If you have three culture buildings at one house, you will get 8,75% bonus!

What should be linked:

- If a house is placed next to a culture building, the house will get +5%
- if a supply building is placed next to a house, the supply building will get +5%
- if a good building is placed next to a supply building, the good building will get +5%
- if the barracks are placed next to an armory, the barracks will produce 5% faster

- NEW BUILDING: The cross road .... if buildings are placed at a crossroad, they all get +2,5% (because at crossroads there is more traffic)
You can still build a normal crossroad with streets, but having a new building like this would increase the variety in buildings

Thats only a suggestion. What do you guys think? :)


I like it. But I have a question. If a residence is located next to two cultural buildings , this house will produce +10% ?
And in this case , it will calculate the benefits .


It will produce +7,5%

- if more than one are linked, the bonus is decreasing: 5% with one linked building, +2,5% for another building, +1,25% for a third building. If you have three culture buildings at one house, you will get 8,75% bonus!


This decreasing guarantee, that the impact is not to huge. So the game balance should be fine in this way. :))


I think the other thread you're referring to is the idea about hotspots (click). These ideas are the same, right? If so, I'd like to close the earlier thread as you've explained the idea better here. :)


Its not the same lauwi.

In the other thread I talk about hot spots on the city map. Like ... some tiles bring a specific bonus if you place a building on it. Like ... you have swamp somewhere ... so supplies will get a debuff. something like this. Its not the same. But we only need one of these XD


Ok, thanks for the explanation! I'll leave both open then. :)