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Cannot reproduce Broken Quest: "Make room for the Treants"


This quest calls for upgrading four armories. I have four armories and so far have upgraded two to the next level, but only have credit for one of them. I upgraded them on two separate days (yesterday and today), received credit for the one I upgraded today, but not the one I upgraded yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this Serissa. Since we are currently investigated these quest-related issues, could you please post a reply here with a filled in Bug Report Template (found here)? Thank for your help on this! :)


Game version: __0.16.13576-51c10fe-(master) (2015-05-12 12:27)
Game world: __ beta
Browser + version: __ firefox 37.0.2
Flash Player version: __17.0.0.169
Operating System: __ windows 8.1
Screen resolution: __
Account name: __serissa
Humans or Elves: __elves

Reproducibility: unsure how to answer..this is either a done or not done issue

Quest title: __ Make room for treants

Current situation:
Quest called for upgrading four armories.
Upgraded one armory from 5 to 6
Completion bar in quest didn't recognize it
Upgraded second armory from 5-6
Quest completion status recognized only one armory upgraded

Expected situation:
Quest should recognize two as completed

Reproduction Steps

Screenshots of the bug:
http://gyazo.com/144c6a95c2110fe90f775f489d007575 armories
http://gyazo.com/8b7cbf2dffef900dd9d662b7c0fc47ad quest completion
Thanks for the template, serissa. We've tried reproducing the issue, but unfortunately without success. :( Every attempt we made resulted in a correctly completed quest.


i'm not surprised you couldn't replicate it...seemed like just a random glitch. i'll just be stuck with an unfinished quest for awhile.