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Not a Bug Armory "Culture Calculation"


Available Culture: 6426
Required for current Level: 6100 (170%)

Armory Upgrade from 4 to 5:
1:53h Construction Time
1 Builder
3x3 Place
42 Population
166 Culture !!!!!!
10900 Gold
3600 Supplies

so... when i am going to upgrade to level 5, my new stats are as follow:

Available Culture: 6260
Required for current Level: 4700 (160%)
needed for next Level: 40

6426 - 166 = 6260 (correct)
6260 is higher than 6100... and 6100 = 170%, but i am falling down to 160%

also, if i remember correctly, the culture bonus system was: 100 - 125 - 150 -175 - 200%
at the moment it is: 100 - 125 - 150 - 160 - 175%
were their some changes in the past? or is there something broken with my account?
when i am visiting towns around me, there is no player having so much culture-buildings like me (17 Delicatessen Butcher and so on). Maybe other players trying to aim only for 100 to 125%, so the need less culture and space (about 5-8 Delicatessen Butcher and other culture stuff).

Hope someone can clear it up ;-)

Thx, Lacour


Thank you for reporting this to us, Lacour. The 166 culture requirement is only for the basic 100% level. With each culture level that requirement goes up, so the calculation isn't in fact 6426-166. That's if you wish to calculate your basic 100% culture level requirements, not the ones for the 160% culture level. When your culture requirement goes up due to a building or upgrade, the requirements for all the culture levels go up --- so you now need more culture to reach your past stage.

The previous culture bonuses were 120% - 140% - 170% - 200%, there were changes as announced here:

You can look around the forum, a number of players aren't aiming for anything higher than the 100% or 125% culture level which is why you're not seeing many players with as many culture buildings.


alright, thx for your fast reply ;-)

and keep up the good work :)


Hmm, referring to the basic 100% level seems confusing to me, it's quite easy to calculate from the example: 6260+40 makes 6300 (the new requirement for the 170% level)