Active Member
FaunaWIllow, thanks a lot for posting and keeping us up to date!Hi everyone!
We have some upcoming changes for our Ancient Wonders! They will be **available on Beta from tomorrow, January 10**.
# Improvements to Ancient Wonders bonuses and costs
We want Ancient Wonders to be a fair challenge. But they use different resources and are very hard when a new chapter comes and easier later. This may stop you from placing an Ancient Wonder you want.
To fix this and make them have a steady challenge, we changed their costs. Now you will need Spell Fragments, Combining Catalysts, and Royal Restoration. This will sound familiar to Chapter 21 players as they are the same type of cost of the Ancient Wonders in that chapter, but we cut them in half (also for Chapter 21) following the feedback we got from you.
In general, we also improved their rewards. In most cases, rewards are the same type but stronger in the initial levels. At max level, there is little difference to now.
The new balance will work for the Ancient Wonders in your city, after the update you will get the new bonuses.
We know these are significant changes, and feel they are necessary to improve the game. These adjustments are essential for maintaining the relevance of Ancient Wonders. Give it a try, your feedback is invaluable to us and we greatly appreciate your dedication to improving Elvenar.
# Four exceptions (3 nerfs and 1 buff are coming)
There are few exception to the general new balancing. Two Ancient Wonders are too strong: The Sanctuary / Martial Monastery and Watchtower Ruins. They give huge culture, making this requirement almost trivial. We cut this bonus, it is still good, but not excessive. This makes culture matter more.
On the plus side, you can now level up The Sanctuary / Martial Monastery to level 35 (before 30) and the bonus on Troops Health is stronger.
The third one we nerfed is Dragon Abbey and its mana per spell bonus. This got too strong over time, as spells got more common. Also, this is very strong at first, but way less later.
We want Ancient Wonders to have stable and good effects in future chapters. With the change, this will happen. Compared to before, Dragon Abbey will be stronger in future chapters, but weaker in the current ones.
The fourth Ancient Wonder in this list is the Thrones of the High Men. It was originally depending on total Ancient Wonder levels to provide increased Culture and additional Ranking points. Now it will also take the Main Hall Ranking points into consideration, which considerably boosts the ranking points output, especially in higher chapters. This also boosts Culture to some degree, but not as strongly as the Ranking points.
All this retrofitting seems like a waste of everyone's time. We very carefully build our cities according to what the buildings will do for us and then... one day, whoops, the rules have changed.