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Other AI Battle logic


When I fight with my "scared priest"
against enemy soldier

Knight + Wild Archer + Cannoneer

I watch how the battle run

it hit enemy archer 1st
without finish archer, my priest go to hit cannoneer
then enemy archer and knight come to kill my priest

to me, it is very wrong
in manual mode
I hit archer until they gone
I ignore cannoneer damage on my soldier
< because cannoneer only kill 1to 3 of my priest, but archer can kill tons of priest >
further battle
I kill knight before it come closer

cannoneer is always the last to kill in manual

I hope Inno can amend the battle logic that
during AI mode
priest should focus to kill archer (never take break to kill cannoneer) .....kill those enemy soldier has will produce damage on player damage


Well-Known Member
We're already working on AI improvements at the moment. Since this is not done through the regular "ideas forwarding system", I'll archive this thread now but we're working on it anyway :)