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Fixed [8981] One expansion too many in the Build menu


Game version: - v1.2.4-(ec62c05) (2016-03-17 15:43)
Game world: - Beta 1
Browser + version: - Firefox 45.0
Flash Player version: - 21,0,0,182
Operating System: - Windodows 7
Screen resolution: - 1280x901
Account name: - Rinaer
Humans or Elves: - Elves

Reproducibility: - 5/5
Quest title: -

Current situation:
I had a province expansion 21, which I hadn't used for a week, when I went to use it, all went as planned, I went back into expansion menu on the off chance I had forgot I had another only to find a second expansion waiting. I tried to use it, and it would place in my landscape but after a couple of seconds, a dialog box popped up saying internal error, and clicking ok would then auto-refresh the page. Open menu again and expansion tab only to find expansion there again.
It seems to be the opposite situation to the -1 expansion bug.

Expected situation:
Place ready to use expansion in landscape and no more expansions to show in expansion menu.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Open buildings menu.
2. Open expansions tab.
3. Click on place expansion button.
4. Place expansion.
5. Receive dialog box saying 'Internal error'.
6. Click ok button.
7. Page auto-refreshes.
8. Open expansion menu again and expansion is there again.

Screenshots of the bug:

We have unfortunately been unable to reproduce this issue. Should it happen again (or to others) please do let us know.


I guess i have the same problem.
All expansions was placed. A few extra expansions throught provinces, but Tech Tree Expansions couter is -1.


We have unfortunately been unable to reproduce this issue. Should it happen again (or to others) please do let us know.
Yes it it still there, with the same results when trying to place it. I have cleared cache, and tried on IE, the problem was the same.
I guess i have the same problem.
All expansions was placed. A few extra expansions throught provinces, but Tech Tree Expansions couter is -1.

No not the same, I'm 1+ Your 1-.
Your issue has already been confirmed:
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Hello, i have the same bug, i try to place a city expansion (number 28) and same as Rinaer :

Reproduction Steps:
1. Open buildings menu.
2. Open expansions tab.
3. Click on place (+) 1 city expansion button
4. Place city expansion.
5. Receive dialog box saying 'Internal error'.
6. Click ok button.
7. Page auto-refreshes.
8. Open expansion menu again and city expansion is there again.

It indicate 1, not minus 1 like another bug already confirmed

Game version: ?
Game world: - Beta 1
Browser + version: - Firefox 45.0
Flash Player version: -WIN 21,0,0,182
Operating System: - Windows 10
Screen resolution: - 2466x941
Account name: - Morden
Humans or Elves: - Elves

Reproducibility: - 5/5
Last edited by a moderator:


The same Bug at Expansion 29 I c`ant set the new Expansion.Before it showed - 1 in the Research Menue now 0 ,Expansion 29 was not given to me.


Trying to place the 5th of the new expansions (3600k cost) and I get an internal error as described above.
1st 4 of the new expansions went OK, following exactly the same process (buildings -> expansions -> city expansion -> select suitable location)
Does not matter which of the available spaces I select, I get the same error. 100% reproducible.
v1.2.4 dated 17mar - Chrome on Win 10


I completed a new tech tree entry (city expansion 29) to get another expansion (available count now 2) and was able to place one expansion (available count reduced back to 1) but still get the error when I try to place the second.
Looks like an internal counter issue to me...
We have been able to consistently reproduce this now. Internally this is currently listed together with the issue where you don't get enough expansions in the Build menu (as a general "incorrect number of expansions in the build menu" report), which is why this bug will get the same ID (at least for now).


Even for me, after I get the City Expansion 27, I can use it. Means I unlock it, but I didn't have it on the expansion selection.
Thanks for the answer, and Happy Easter to all the player and Staff !!!


not sure is this is the same problem - Expansion 26 disappeared...I completed the research for number 26 and had to wait on coins...went to place it a couple of days later and it is no longer available to me in the building field.


not sure this is the right place but I too I got stuck with city expansion, yesterday I had completed the city expansion 3 in the research tree but this is still not available in the building menu


  • bug.jpg
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The bug report describing an expansion missing can be found here, this thread describes having one (or more) extra than you should have. :)