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Duplicate 8/8 tournament battles won, no reward message


Game version: __v1.21.4-(3ec611a) (2017-01-09 13:01)
Game world: __ beta 1
Browser + version: __ 50.1.0
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ win 10 1607
Screen resolution: __ 1920x1080
Account name: __ juni
Humans or Elves: __ elves

Reproducibility: ?/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__ I've sent my troops into the 3rd tournament, final fight 8/8, and used the regular fight, not the auto-fight. I've won, and now I'm looking at that nice screen, not receiving the reward.

Expected situation:
__ well, there should be a reward notification, and I should not be supposed to see the screen that way

Reproduction Steps
__ win 7 of 8 fights in a tournament (this case, tournament 3) (please don't make me explain that step by step, it will be long)
2. __ win battle #8 by manual fight.
3. __ no reward screen. just a view of 8 won battles (see the screenshot, that can't be uploaded)
4. __
5. __


The following error occurred
There was a problem uploading your file.


if you don't want screenshots, please say so.


apparently, JPG works. I have uploaded PNGs in the past, please name the file formats you actually want. not just a message like "there was a problem". "a problem" is a bad error report, just like "a internal server error".


  • completedtournament.jpg
    592.7 KB · Views: 144


yes, and I was able to reproduce it, with manual fighting.

and I got the reward, I just did not get the reward message.

apparently, that's innos idea of solving the bug that the 6th star tournament battle wasn't win-able.


King of Bugs
you get a problem when uploading file longer then 1 mb and this is a very old bug, i can reproduce it with auto combat, manual combat and negotiation consistently


okay, the PNG-file is larger than 1MB. but if size matters, they should not ask for screenshots. because screenshots, even if cropped, tend to be large.


They have to set a limit somewhere for files uploaded to the forum (else they might, in the long run, end up lacking storage space, but, most importantly, messages with too heavy images could become very long to display and the overall performance of the forum might be impacted)...

That does not mean screenshots are not useful to understand reported issues, we just have to try keep these under a reasonable size ;) (or use an external image hosting service, but I am not such a fan of this solution which has, at least, two drawbacks: the process is a bit more complex, making it less easier for less trained users, for various reasons, images intended to illustrate forum messages can be lost, become inaccessible).

One important thing to know is that JPEG files are designed to store a (more or less) compressed version of a large image (tipically a photograph), at the expense of some details that will be slightly deteriorated (in a way that usually does not matter, in such detailed images), while PNG files (like GIF files in a way) are rather designed to store a precise version of smaller graphic elements. Therefore, when you can, it is almost always more efficient, space wise, to store screenshots as JPEG files, while keeping a largely sufficient picture resolution to show relevant details.