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Fixed [12674] After finishing tournament province not returning automatically to the map


Game version: v1.21.2-(0aadeac) (2017-01-04 14:40)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: FF 50.1.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win10
Account name: Katzenprinz
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Current situation:
After I finish the last encounter of a tournament province I'm not automatically send back to the world map like before.

Expected situation:
Being send back automatically to the world map.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Enter Tournament province
2. Choose last encounter
3. fight last battle
4. win last battle
5. being send back to the province map instead of the world map

Screenshots of the bug:


  • Unbenannt2.jpg
    742.3 KB · Views: 184


So far we weren't able to reproduce this issue. Did it happen again to you Katzenprinze?


It happens all the time. I haven't had a single finished province where I ended up on the map. Its always the way as you can see on the added screenshot. Strange that I'm the only one this is happening to. :confused:

Deleted User - 60107

You're not the only one - the same thing just happened to me. I won the last battle in a tournament province and was brought to the province map, not to the world map. I finished level 4 of that province, in case it matters.

EDIT: And again on the very next tournament province.
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Ok, ok, next tournamet is coming soon. I'll continue with trying. Does this happen to you when you 'negotiate' instead of 'fight' last encounter in the province?

Deleted User - 60107

In my case I catered a few of the encounters, and fought the rest, including the last one.


This is interesting. I tried the first province with catering the last encounter and all worked fine. I saw the rewards window and it took me automatically back to the world map. If I do the same with fighting, the same bug as shown above in my bug report appears.

Edit: Auto-fighting works just fine as well. I guess that's the reason almost nobody has the same problem as me cuz everyone is using auto-fight to get through the provinces.

So it seems to be related with doing the last fight manually.
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Yes, you are right Katzenprinze. Only manual fight in last encounter causes this. When you finish fight notification window pop-up, and you are forced then to click on green 'go back to province' button...or maybe it is 'return to province' :rolleyes:..anyway, you end up in province, not on the world map.

But..pls a little bit more patience...need to check some things before closing this case :D

Confirmed and closed! :)
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King of Bugs
when this bug occurs you can actually click on every finished province and do next level of it (or just check all setups of army, negotiation costs etc), this is similar to bug from last year when we could do 2 levels of province in a row
i can also reproduce this with different steps which works for auto combat, manual combat and negotiation




King of Bugs
not exactly the same but very similar, i guess there were more bug reports regarding this in the past


Active Member
The reward window doesnt appear either when i finish the last encounter and doesnt take me back to map.


King of Bugs
not fixed, only part of not being able to check next level before it is available is fixed


:confused:..when I fight or autofight or cater I get 2 notification windows with awards from that province and after closing them (by clicking on 'Awsome' twice) and then I end up at world map. It looks like this works ok. Im confused. Can you post screenie of province when you don't get back on world map?


King of Bugs
instead of clicking on Awesome hit Esc button (you must use awesome button once, esc doesnt work till then), once you click on awesome button you can hit esc all the time regardless of negotiation/auto combat/manual combat, it skips 1 screen so for me its better = faster, but it ends in province instead of world map
can give you exact steps if you dont manage to reproduce it


Ok, that will be enough to reproduce it. Thank you Dony :)


I hit Esc and that put me back on world map :D. Ill keep trying, maybe that's not 5/5...or maybe your provinces are broken :D

I'm kidding. Still can't reproduce it. :(


King of Bugs
wasnt hard :)
1. log to the game
2. open tournament province
3. click cater or fight/autocombat or fight/fight
3.1 after fight
4. you get window with back to province button
5. click on "back to province" button
6. next window appears with Awesome button
7. hit "esc" button on keyboard
8. it will bring you to the province map
9. finish next battle
10. when you get window with "Back to province" hit "Esc" on keyboard
11. from now on hit esc all the time you finish encounter



  • 12.jpg
    177.7 KB · Views: 139


Well, last time I cleared 2nd level in tournament province, and was returned to world map. Now I finished 1st level of province and was returned to province like you said. Maybe this depends on province level :D