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Fixed [5273] All visited cities after the very first totally empty


There is a very heavy bug introduced with the new update. After logging into the game the very first visited city loads as it should, but all following visits of any city (including the just visited and seen city) look like this:

[I tried to upload the screenshot twice. Both times it was canceled somewhere inbetween with an error message. The screenshot shows a totally empty city, all buildings completely vanished]

Edit: It's getting more and more absurd, what I observe after I have visited a city: After returning home, I cannot scroll my city anymore!
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this issue Methusu, it is indeed confirmed and sent to our development team for fixing. Could all players who experience these issues, please post in this thread a bug report template (found here) in order for us to be able to resolve things as quickly as possible? Thank you for the help! :)


There is a very heavy bug introduced with the new update. After logging into the game the very first visited city loads as it should, but all following visits of any city (including the just visited and seen city) look like this:

Edit: It's getting more and more absurd, what I observe after I have visited a city: After returning home, I cannot scroll my city anymore!

I'm having exactly the same problems.


Windows 7
DirectX9Ex (336 MB VRAM)


As I can see from Rinaer, it's not OS nor browser related, I assume he like me uses newest flash....


@Rinaer : Please use the bug report template I linked to in my previous reply (including Flash version etc). Thank you :)

Sorry I was writing post while you posted.

Game version: __ 0.16.13568-c8884c8-(master) (2015-05-11 17:41)
Game world: __zz1
Browser + version: __Firefox/37.0
Flash Player version: __WIN 17,0,0,169
Operating System: __Windows 7
Screen resolution: __1280x899
Account name: __Rinaer
Humans or Elves: __Elf

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
Cities blank when visited

Expected situation:
Buildings there to be able to use neighborly help

Reproduction Steps
1. click on world view
2. click on neighbors city
3. first one there
4. back to world view
5. click next neighbor
6. cities buildings not there
7. same for each city visited there after.
8. click back home
9. unable to drag my city around

Screenshots of the bug:


Game version: __ Game version: __ 0.16.13568-c8884c8-(master) (2015-05-11 17:41)
Game world: __Beta1
Browser + version: __Google Chrome Version 42.0.2311.135 (64-bit)
Flash Player version: __17.0.0.169
Operating System: __Zorin 9
Screen resolution: __1680 x 1050
Account name: __Denzil
Humans or Elves: __Elves

Reproducibility: __5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__Cities blank when visited

Expected situation:
__City visible

Reproduction Steps:
1. __Visit Neighbour all OK
2. __Visit next neighbour, not buildings displayed
3. __
4. __
5. __


same here, also my citymap cant be moved

There is a very heavy bug introduced with the new update. After logging into the game the very first visited city loads as it should, but all following visits of any city (including the just visited and seen city) look like this:

[I tried to upload the screenshot twice. Both times it was canceled somewhere inbetween with an error message. The screenshot shows a totally empty city, all buildings completely vanished]

Edit: It's getting more and more absurd, what I observe after I have visited a city: After returning home, I cannot scroll my city anymore!


Sorry but where do I find what version my Flash Player is?


You can even get it from the popup with right-click in game window (last line)


Both firefox and chrome have the problem of invisible towns. Refresh will help a little, you can visit and help one city, the next city will be invisible again.


After re-log the citymap is moveable. Swapping to worldmap and coming back, citymap is stuck again.


Well-Known Member
We have indeed placed a hotfix that should have resolved this problem now. Should anyone still experience these issues, please let us know! :)


I gave it a try this afternoon :
1st visited city : ok
2nd visited city : I help, and the game freezes :confused:
then the popup appears telling me that the flash plugin is busy and not responding;
I click "stop plugin", and waterfox crashes on the spot !:eek:

restarted waterfox, went on with my neighbourhood visits, and all went smoothly from there on ;)

the unmovable city map was happening before, I had it yesterday at least ...
it can be activated by zooming in or out
to unlock your city map, try the following : bring another window to the foreground, then go back to the game, or open the windows menu with the "start" button in the lower left corner, then go back to the game;
it seems that it is enough to unlock ;)

Game version: __ 0.16.13568-c8884c8-(master) (2015-05-11 17:41)
Game world: __Beta1
Browser + version: __Waterfox 37.0.1
Flash Player version: __17.0.0.169
Operating System: __Windows 7 home premium 64
Screen resolution: __1440x900
Account name: __Phiplessis
Humans or Elves: __Elf

Reproducibility: __5/5

Quest title: __ none

Current situation:
when zooming in, the city map freezes;
bringing another window to the foreground or opening the windows start menu, and then returning to the game, unlocks the city map__

Expected situation:
__I should be able to move may city around after zooming in

Reproduction Steps
zoom in
2. try to move the city map : no way !
3. bring another widow to the foreground or click the windows "start" button
4. return to the game
5. city map unlocked

(lousy workaround, I must admit it)

Screenshots of the bug:
screenshots being stationary by essence, I do not think they might help in this case .... :)

imho, it is flash-related again ... :rolleyes:

the zoom-in/zoom-out freeze is not happening for the moment, maybe the update fixed it ...
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Putting your browser into Incognito or Privacy mode really helps stop the plug in for the flash player from crashing all the time. Just Google incognito mode or privacy mode and follow instructions for whichever browser you are using. It works great for firefox. Also helps with black screen when visiting other cities. Doesn't stop it completely, but does help.