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Fixed [5146] Problem with pages of trader

  • Thread starter superalexandre9
  • Start date


Game version: 0.15.13364-d34d73e-(master) (2015-04-28 9:23)
Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: Firefox 36.0.4
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: don't know
Account name: superalexandre9
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: /

Current situation:
When I go to a page higher in the market (eg 11/12) and then I change requested resource / offered, I arrive at a page that should not be there (eg 7/6 ) .
It's a small but annoying bug .

Expected situation:
Normally , the market should return to page 6/6 , and not go to 7/6 which is a non-existent page.

Reproduction Steps
Open the trader.
2. Go to one of the highest pages ( eg 11/12).
3. Ask for a specific resource ( eg crystal).
4. If you have less crystal offers the page you went to the trader , then you get to a nonexistent page.

Screenshots of the bug:
Last edited by a moderator:


Thank you for reporting this to us. We'll look into it.


We can confirm the behavior is taking place and will pass this onto the developers. Reproduction is possible both by choosing a goods type from the offering and the demanding column.

Deleted User - 1954

The real bug of this situation is not being led to a non-existing page but not to be able to turn the pages to an existing page. You have to change the goods type and turn to an existing page of the goods type this bug occured before returning to it and being able to view the offers.
(All infos about my system, ... are equal to the infos of superalexandre9)
Kind regards, Florarbor

PS: Thanks to the good work for all of us:)!


If there is an existing page then you should have no trouble turning back to an existing page. For example if you look up offers for Marble and you end up on page 5/4, simply turn back to pages 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, or 1/4. There is no issue doing that as far as we can see.

Deleted User - 1954

Okay, I think I have to describe the problem more detailed (it is all an example):
- I look for offers of the good "marble" and turn page to page since I end at the last page 5/5
- I change the good to "wood", where are offers only enough for four pages and land at 5/4
- I can turn the pages down to 4/4, 3/4 ... --> so with being on a page one higher than existing is no problem but:

being on a page higher more than one, you get stuck:
- I look for offers of the good "marble" and turn page to page since I end at the last page 5/5
- I change the good to "wood", where are offers only enough for three pages and land at 5/3
- I cannot turn the pages down to 4/3, 3/3 ... --> the only possibility you have is to change the good (best: the good you had looked at before, because you know, there are enough pages), turn to a page low enough and then change to the good you wanted to search for an good offer.

Try it out, I think you should get the same result.
Kind regards, Florarbor


Why not always get back to page 1 when the ressource type is changed ? Makes sense to me, + would be handy.


If there is an existing page then you should have no trouble turning back to an existing page. For example if you look up offers for Marble and you end up on page 5/4, simply turn back to pages 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, or 1/4. There is no issue doing that as far as we can see.

Like Florabor, I can't turn back to an existing page in the situation described in the OP.
I've tried more than once and the page-changer doesn't work when it's taken me to an empty page;
that's why I thought I had changed to page 1 when I posted about the problem
at https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/broken-scroll-trade-filter.2689/#post-18932
To change pages I have to return the filter to "any goods" or close/restart the trader.

Game version: 0.17.13772-0e2c22e-(master) (2015-05-28 14:18)
Game world: beta 1
Browser & version: Firefox/38.0,
Flash Player version: 17,0,0,188
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1347x621
Account name: Mink
Humans or Elves: Elves