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Not a Bug [4662] Quest completed after road reconnect


Game version: __0.13.13131-v0.13.1-(master) (2015-04-02 9:40)
Game world: __Beta1
Browser + version: __IE 11
Flash Player version: __16,0,0,305
Operating System: __Win7
Screen resolution: __1920 x 1080
Account name: __Braga
Humans or Elves: __Elf

Reproducibility: _1_/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ Didn't grab this before I sat down to write this, but it was the quest to have 3 level 4 Armories

Current situation:
__Had 2 level 4 armories, third armory was upgrading to level 4. Was rearranging city, removed road connecting to upgrading armory, when I reconnected the armory, the quest completed.

Expected situation:
__Quest completion after armory finished upgrading.

Reproduction Steps
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __


Thank you Braga for reporting this to us. The quests seem similar but the behavior doesn't seem to match. I know this feels like the obvious but just to make sure, the third armory had not finished upgrading, correct?


Similar situations where the exploitation can come by rewarding us prematurely, then we can cancel the construction after collecting the reward, without actually earning it. I, of course, continued the construction, as I would expect that others with other building quests would do, but it still leaves that temptation, which is not good.


So far it seems that neither of these two reported quests are repeatable ones, they're one-time quests. The issue cannot be recreated with just any quest, we'll try it with those specific quests. If anyone remembers the titles of the quests when you've experienced similar behavior, please share them here. Thank you.


I have that bug again, kind of: Quest Name is Upgraded Steel Manufactories I am to have 2 level 6 Steel Manufactories. I have one, but I was given the credit for it as soon as it hit level 5. I do not yet have the goods required to start a second one to level 5, but I am sure that once I do, it will just be a matter of moving something in the city, or it reaches level 5, that the quest will consider itself complete.


I just finished upgrading the second to level 5, and was rewarded for having it at level 6. If a moderator wants to log into my account, they can see that I have 1 Steel at level 6, one at 5, and 1 at I think 4, yet the checkmark is there showing that I now have 2 at level 6. The one that is at 5, I just ordered the upgrade to 6, but that was AFTER it was rewarded. I have not yet collected the reward, although I can at any time. I did not do any re-arranging of my city; it just popped up as complete as soon as construction was complete.


There is a known issue with that specific quest, Tsarina. You can find a bug report about it at this link. The issue has been confirmed and passed onto the developers.