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Duplicate Possible Exploit

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I received a quest to upgrade two of my workshops. I ordered the upgrades, then began to re-arrange my city to make better use of space. As I was moving buildings around, the green checkmark appeared, indicating that the Quest was complete. I accepted the reward, but the buildings are still under construction, so the quest is not actually finished. This can easily be exploited, because if the reward is given before the quest is done, the construction can then be cancelled, and player would be rewarded for not doing anything. I did not cancel the construction, because that would be exploiting a bug, which is something that I am not prepared to do.


Thank you Tsarina for reporting this to us. This seems to match the description provided at this bug report. We're currently investigating the case, if you remember any details such as the quest title, please provide them in that thread. Thanks. :)
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