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Fixed [44816] Scoreboard is out of whack


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.180-beta.9-(5950ce9) - html5 (2023-07-19 20:26)
Game world: beta
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Google Chrome, latest
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows 10
Screen resolution: ?
Account name:[/B] __ Earwen1
Humans or Elves: Elves

5/5 since the FA started

Quest title: Fellowship Adventure

Current situation: The scoreboard of the FA shows our Fellowship 'Platinum Leaf' at #1, with an amazing score. These score is still counting up, at about 14000 points in 5 minutes (see screenshots below). While I write this, the score is at 102900.

Expected situation:
Scores just going up while we play, but not by itself.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Open the FA map
2. Open the scorelist

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:


  • FA beta bug 1 2023-07-20_182151.jpg
    FA beta bug 1 2023-07-20_182151.jpg
    112.8 KB · Views: 98
  • FA beta bug 3 2023-07-20_182610.jpg
    FA beta bug 3 2023-07-20_182610.jpg
    135.5 KB · Views: 96


Well-Known Member
There is a map display issue. See in the image that there are multiple checkpoints as being open, including ones that are required to have been complete before a further one is open. Such as the first tri-colour on the blue path and the blue one on the pond.
If you attempt to open one of these already complete ones then it instantly closes. Doing this causes the points for the checkpoint to be credited again.


  • Pasted image 1.png
    Pasted image 1.png
    2.1 MB · Views: 77


Active Member
This issue persists through the recent update to v1.180-beta.10-(3ded8a2) - html5 (2023-07-21 15:07)


Well-Known Member
reset has nothing to do with were the bug is, in client or on server.=)
Only Inno can tell how they will manage this situation. In the order of implementation difficulty:
1. leave as it is now = who clicked more - got better ranking prizes.
2. reset = those who was fast enough can get more stage rewards, but ranking results are fair.
3. leave as it is now, but don't give any ranking rewards at the end = fair approach, but no incentive for doing something after completing all maps.
4. if they store waypoints coverage after switching the map and number of cycles in pit - they can recalculate proper ranking = most fair approach, but possible only if all data is available.
5. if they store waypoints coverage after switching the map, but reset pit without any counters other than ranking points - they can recalculate maps data and dig up logs for pit (or ignore pit cycles done before fix)
6. if they have only current map waypoints coverage - they can assume that all previous maps are full and grant points like in (5).


Well-Known Member
reset has nothing to do with were the bug is, in client or on server.=)
Only Inno can tell how they will manage this situation. In the order of implementation difficulty:
1. leave as it is now = who clicked more - got better ranking prizes.
Wonder if someone already made a script.... toggling between the waypoints
I see extreme high scores.


Well-Known Member
1kk points = 10-15 minutes of intensive clicking if you have good pc/mobile and stable connection to game servers. Current scores are not extreme.


Well-Known Member
It tells the same as normal top scores in FA - that FS members can dedicate enough of efforts to achieve that scores.=)
Most likely that is just a useless clicking, but if inno decides to leave everything as is...
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