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Not a Bug 3* frogs have same amount of hit points and base damage as 2*

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Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.98-beta.12-(5359408) (2020-02-06 19:25)
HTML5 Yes/No: No
Game world: Beta1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Chrome x64
Flash Player version:
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920x1200
Account name:
Humans or Elves: Elves

5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Current situation:
3* frogs have same amount of hit points and base damage as 2* frogs after last maintenance

Expected situation:
Any 3* unit should have bigger base stats than 2* unit of the same type
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