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Fixed [26888] Buildings discconected: Elf barracks 28+ changed size on serverside


Game version: v1.79-(7c627ff) (2019-04-30 10:14)
HTML5 Yes/No: no
Game world: beta 1
Browser/IOS/Android + version:
Vivaldi 2.3.1440.60 (Stable channel) (32-Bit)
Überarbeitung e78ac5b2c005af6b8bdcced26e44036559f636b0-refs/branch-heads/3626@{#884}
Betriebssystem Windows
JavaScript V8 7.2.502.28
Flash Player version:
Operating System: win 10
Screen resolution: full hd
Account name: juni
Humans or Elves: elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: (if applicable)

Current situation:
__ after the update, buildings that are far away from the main hall appear to be disconnected and not functioning
__ See at the screenshot, that the same road is used to connect the barracks, the cultural buildings and the silk production, yet only the barracks are officially connected.

Expected situation:
__ they should be connected, as they actually are.

Reproduction Steps

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)


  • disconnected.jpg
    302.8 KB · Views: 118
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QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
a part of your city is actually not connected for real.
your barracks stops one road, and the road also stops after your magical mana hut.
So theres a part of a road who's not connected to the main hall


and that explained why it worked until the server went into an update?

before: everything fine
afterwards: disconnected

by the way, another member in my FS complains about problems with the streets.

EDIT: I used the mover to move the barracks aside: note that the barracks have no other means than the very same road that is connected to the main hall, yet this monopterus is NOT connected.

That one road with 2 tiles interrupted is just a road I laid as a bypass, which apparently makes it connected again.


  • disconnected2.jpg
    270.1 KB · Views: 117


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
im allready seeing a difference between whats in the logs
and what i see when i load your city
ill keep you updated when i know more


with a road-connection in this 2 tile gap, they are as happy, as they could be.

but it should work without it, because now it's a double connection.


  • disconnected3.jpg
    303.2 KB · Views: 97


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
in gamefiles the size of elves barracks wrongly changed from 5x8 to 6x7 from lvl 28+
The graphics are still the same tho. so its not visual in game but the server takes the wrong size into account, making your streets "dissapear"