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Fixed [16433] Trader building upgrade doesn't mention points


Game version: __v1.32-(741cfea1e) (2017-06-02 10:33)
Game world: __ beta1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: __ firefox 53.0.3
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ win 10 1610
Screen resolution: __ 1366x768
Account name: __ juni
Humans or Elves: __elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__the trader can be upgraded, yet does not mention the points the next level will give

Expected situation:
__it should mention the points

Reproduction Steps
__ have a trader
2. __ upgrade it.
3. __ get 950 points...
4. __
5. __


  • traderpoints.png
    194.8 KB · Views: 133
  • traderpoints2.png
    779 KB · Views: 132


not the same thing.

the poster over there asks, why the trader does not seem to give points, according to it's description, assuming that it is a bug that the trader does not give points (discrepancy between his expectation and the data displayed by the trader)

whereas I have reportet that the trader indeed does give points, while not mentioning them on the update page (discrepancy between the note of the trader and the actual values of the trader)


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
I can confirm the lvl 2 trader is giving ranking points as expected.
But its not mentioned in the upgrade tab


Well-Known Member
not the same thing.

the poster over there asks, why the trader does not seem to give points, according to it's description, assuming that it is a bug that the trader does not give points (discrepancy between his expectation and the data displayed by the trader)

whereas I have reportet that the trader indeed does give points, while not mentioning them on the update page (discrepancy between the note of the trader and the actual values of the trader)

Are you kidding me?

in my report "expected situation":

" it should giving ranking points" (means it should give and should be information about it.

You wrote the same thing using other words ^^ ... plus im waiting like 2 weeks for answer, and u get it for like 2 hours ... mb some connections? :)


well, that's the point, it should give ranking points, and it did.

I have no clue, why my report was confirmed within 2 hours and yours not... maybe it's the lack of screenshots and that your report just mentioned that there are no points mentioned whereas my report said the same, plus that the player actually gets points.

I don't know yet, if this behavior (get points) is intended or not, just that there are points without a message saying that there'll be points.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Malpa's report was about not getting ranking points when you upgrade the trader. Marindor is asking the devs about this if this is intended or not.
I assume because of his question, ranking points were added now. So i expect Marindor to confirm this anytime he got info back and set it to fixed allready.

This bug is about it not being displayed on upgrade tab that you are getting ranking points, but when you do the upgrade you are getting the points.

So for me these are 2 seperate issues. 1 not giving points, 1 not showing points(dispite giving the points).
Either way, Marindor is the one who does the forwarding and giving out diamonds so he will be the end judge. This might end up as a duplicate eventually if what he forwarded is exactly what is being said in this bug.


even if the ranking points are not indicated, as the upgrade uses population and culture, the internal mechanics of the game should aware ranking point for upgrading, shouldn't they ?


Well-Known Member
Yes, sorry for the late answer in the other thread but we had to do multiple tests for it was reported that the upgrade wouldn't give any ranking points. We had to test this to verify, weren't able to do so properly, I had to check about the intended behaviour there and it should give ranking points so had to test again, still couldn't reproduce etcetera. Sometimes these things can take some time, especially if we can't reproduce it and if there are bank holidays and weekends in between.

The info missing in the screen is indeed a bug which we can confirm, will forward that one now. Should anyone be able to reproduce the issue with no ranking points being added at all, please let us know in the other thread :)