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Not a Bug Ranking points for Trader

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Well-Known Member
Game version: __ v1.31-(ab6cf3260) (2017-05-24 12:51)
Game world: __beta
Browser/IOS/Android + version: __mozilla ff 53.0.3
Flash Player version: __ Versie
Operating System: __Win 7
Account name: __Malpa
Humans or Elves: __elfs

Reproducibility: __5/5

Quest title:

Current situation:
__I dont know it is on purpose, but upgrade of trader(new from halflings) dont giving ranking points, iv read somewhere that if buldings need population and culture to next lvl it should giving ranking points.

Expected situation:
__i dont know, but probably it should giving ranking points

Reproduction Steps:
1. __go to trader
2. check upgrade tab.
3. there is only information about seeds


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your report. We're not able to reproduce this issue. The upgrade gives 950 Ranking Points here. Maybe you needed a reload of the game before they became visible? Should anyone else encounter similar issues, please let us know so we can investigate further :)


Well-Known Member
Why we wroting reproduction steps if u dont even look on it? :

Reproduction Steps:
1. __go to trader
2. check upgrade tab.
3. there is only information about seeds

Point 2 and 3 telling you that u should just watch tab not even try to build it ... im still in sorcerers and dragons chapter so i cant even have this technology. Point 3 telling us that there is no information about ranking points, but it should be cause bulding "cost" population and culture. And nothing more. So i reporting bug u confirmed to other player. Mayby if u answer faster then 2 and half week i can give u more precise information about what is this report.


I think he's talking about this:

The way it should be. Ranking points are showing.


The way it is with the Trader. Although it costs population and culture, no Ranking points are visible.


Well-Known Member
@Katzenprinz : It wasn't "ignored" but under investigation (which was visible in the thread tag as well). Please read the explanation in the other thread and don't make assumptions, thank you. :)

@MalpA : The "current situation" you described, was that there were no ranking points added at all. In the reproduction steps you indeed only mention the info not being there, but that's different from no ranking points being given at all, as you described in your bug report. We had to check with our Game Designers what was intended since if it shouldn't give any ranking points, the lack of information about it, would be a logical result of that. In the end it turns out that the upgrade actually does give ranking points. Next time, please make sure to describe the actual problem in the "current situation" to avoid any miscommunications.

Deleted User - 60107

No offence, Marindor, but you are asking for the impossible. To illustrate here's a screenshot from my main city (on en2):
Now look at that screenshot and tell me: How am I supposed to know that the upgrade actually gives ranking points? There's no indication that the upgrade gives points, and there's no way to check because I just started work on the Advanced Scouts tech. If I had not read this and the other thread I too would think the upgrade gives no ranking points - because that's what I can see!

As far as I can see MalpA gave as much information as possible considering that he was not even in the Halflings chapter at the time the report was made. There was no way for him to check (and thus no way to know) if the upgrade actually gives points.

Or are we not supposed to report bugs we see if we have not yet reached the chapter they are about?


Well-Known Member
After reconsideration, I think you are right about that @shadowblack , although I do want to ask everybody to make sure the bug reports are very clear about what the exact problem is. This kind of misinterpretations can lead to confusion and disappointments and it would be best if we could avoid that in the future. We will at least grant @MalpA diamonds for this report as well, but we will keep you updated about it in the other thread as the description in that thread is more clear and is what was used to inform our development team :) I will now lock this thread for further comments to avoid any miscommunications or cross-posting. For updates, please use the other one :)
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