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Fixed [13377] Culture value on a buffed building is different then in the culture overview.


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.27-(9b433671f) (2017-03-28 11:36)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Firefox 52.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win 10
Screen resolution: 1920*1080
Account name: Preator
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: ?/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title:N/A

Current situation:
Additional Culture from neghbourly help is not calculated correctly.

Expected situation:
Additional Culture from neghbourly help to be calculated correctly.

Reproduction Steps
Look at the screenshots

Screenshots of the bug:
Here is what the game shows me as my additional culture:

Here is my calculation:
- My all culture buildings eligible to receive NH are listed below.
- The ones with a "x" have an active NH on.
- Notice that Arcane Library 1 and 2 are affected by this bug as well. So they should normally give 2019 culture (16% additional bonus from WR) but they show +0 additional culture. But this is not the only problem. The both sums, assuming those two libraries giving 2019 additional culture each and assuming them giving 0 additional culture, do not fit with the value shown above screenshot.

Additional Information:
While I was creating this bug report, I received another NH on one of my remaining Libraries. In game total additional bonus increased by 2018 instead of 2019 which is shown when hovering over the building. So there is a rounding issue as well. Yet, the figures in the spreadsheet seem to be far away from being caused by a rounding issue.

Reloading the game does not correct it.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
watchtower ruins, maybe ?

very likely, but its not mentioned at all in this topic. Thats the crucial part tho, because its probably there that the bug in rounding comes from.

Indeed, I have a WR in my city. I mentioned it in the other bug report I referred to. But forgot to mention here. Sorry for the confusion. I edited my initial post. There is a level 3 WR in the city, thus 16% bonus.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Ill try to reproduce this, but i can tell you now allready there does indeed seem something wrong.

If you have a 16% bonus from the watchtower, then the 60514 extra culture without the watchtower would be 52 168 bonus culture.
A strange number since its not nicely rounded up while all buff-able cultural buildings have a nice rounded number.

Unless you maybe recently upgraded your watchtower to lvl 3. in that case some buildings should have a 13% bonus while others have the 16%
Can you confirm that you didnt just upgrade the watchtower upon making the report?


Well-Known Member
Unless you maybe recently upgraded your watchtower to lvl 3. in that case some buildings should have a 13% bonus while others have the 16%
Can you confirm that you didnt just upgrade the watchtower upon making the report?

I did upgrade WR recently, but I don't remember if some of the buildings were still affected by the older 13% bonus or not. So, you might be correct, i can't be sure.

But if that is the case, there is still something wrong. Because each and every building were showing the values in the spreadsheet in my original post. If what you say is correct, than some buildings were giving 13% additional culture whereas they were showing as if they give 16%.

By the way, the other issue (+0 bonus) i referred to, seems to be gone away. So, I got rid of the last column now. Currently, the numbers are just fine. That means either the recently upgraded WR was indeed the cause, or some of the buildings buffed in the original post but not buffed this time (Woodelves Habitat, Frozen Flame Purple, Castle Snow Flake) are affected.


P.S. There is still a rounding issue though. Arcane Libraries show 2019, but they actually give 2018. Only libraries have non-integer number when multiplying by 1,16. There are 7 of them buffed, and the difference is 50673 - 50666 = 7.

I will keep monitoring.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
I can confirm there is indeed a difference between the bonus culture in the overview and the sum of the culture on the buildings.

However im not sure if its a watchtower bug or a display bug. IF its a watchtower bug it will probably not be fixed untill the watchtower is revamped. If its a rounding display bug then it probably will.

Either way i can confirm its wrong now. Ill edit the bugtitle tho so its easier found for future searching.

PS: when you upgrade your watchtower, all the buffed building have their culture values increased, so they do not keep the old value.

Reproduction steps:

1 have a watchtower with a 16 or 19% bonus.
2 receive help from for example library or a burning egg.
3 See that the culture bonus it displays is 1 more then the culture value you see in the culture overview (sun)