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Fixed [13171] Production of faculties not added correctly

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1250
  • Start date


Game version: v1.25-(75c5754) (2017-03-03 16:35)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: __ Google chrome 56.0.2924.87
Flash Player version: __ Adobe flash player
Operating System: __ Windows 8.1
Screen resolution: __1920x1080
Account name: __Anne65
Humans or Elves: __Elves


Current situation:
When I collect the production of the faculties, it is not added correctly to the resources, I am getting 1 less than I should.

Expected situation:
When the faculty shows I will get 44, I expect to get 44 when I collect.

Reproduction steps
1. Wait until a production of a faculty is ready
2. Check how much it shows
3. Collect and check how much is added to the resources

arcane bug.png

alchemie bug 1.png

necro bug.png


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your report. It might be the same bug that causes the one your reported here. Therefore I want to wait until after the next daily deployment, which should fix that one to see if it was indeed the same bug, before reporting it to our development team while it might already have been fixed. Please let us know after the next update, if it still happens :)


Great, another bug where something isn't calculated right. Can't they program anything correctly these days. :(


This is not fixed, situation is the same. I just collected 44 and only 43 were added, while the wisdom square bug has been fixed.


King of Bugs
right number should be 43 in your case, if you have 17% from BTG, 60% from campus, base resource from level 4 faculty is 24
looks like display error over favulty
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