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Contact(ed) support Problem with completing first tournament


Game version: v1.4-1787359-(staging) (2016-04-13 10:33)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: __ Google chrome 49.0.2623.112 m
Flash Player version: __ Adobe flash player
Operating System: __ Windows 8.1
Screen resolution: __1920x1080
Account name: __Anne65
Humans or Elves: __Elves

1/5 ?? this happened with the first marble tournament

Current situation:
I have done 7/8 of the first marble provence tournament and I expected to see the eight one so I could fight there too, instead of that, the second tournament provence opened. I went back to the first, but can't see anymore which one I completed. They all look not-completed, yet I did 7 of them already. Also the reward is changed, the reward of the second provence shows with teh first and the first reward shows for the second

Expected situation:
After completing 7/8 I expect to be able to do the last one too. I don't expect the next marble tournament to open yet.

Reproduction steps
1. research the tournament in the tech tree
2. Go to the world map and start with the first tournament
3. Start fighting or give them goods until you have 7/8 completed
4. the second tournament provence will open
5. return to the first provence where it says 7/8 and open it
6. all 8 look unfinished, yet the counter says 7/8
7. check the reward, it changed into the reward of the second tournament
8. go to the second provence, it shows 0/8 and the reward is the reward of the first tournament
9. try to complete the first provence and you get an error


tournament 1.png

tournament 2.png

This is what I see when I open the FIRST provence. see the reward in the top left vorner, it should show 20 points, 2 kp and 2 relics. It should also show I finished 7 and which one I finshed. Instead of that it seems all unfinshed.

tournament 3.png

This is what I see when I open the SECOND provence. See the reward in the top left corner? It seems wrong.

I try to complete it but get an error.

tournament 4.png

I can go to the second provence and fight there. But I want to complete the first one.

And another edit, sorry for this all.
I saw someone else completed it and the error made me reloading the game.
Now the first provence seems completed. So I can continue, but that doesn't change the fact it went wrong first.
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Today, I reached the second level and see the reward. I also see the units of the second level and see my first post about the bug was correct. Somehow the first province didn' t finish and close correctly. I was able to see the reward and troops of the second level.

Because of the bug yesterday, I totally got confused about the reward, but as far as I can see now, the reward for level 1 is 20 points, 2 kp, 2 relics. And 50 points, 4 kp, 4 relics for level 2. It shows ok now.

I guess you can see what I wrote here about the reward yesterday, before the dit, ignore that please.
The first post is correct.

I can't reproduce the bug, it only went wrong with the first province.
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I have done 15 provinces and have received the same reward for all, 20 tournament points 2 kp and 2 marble relics. Are the rewards supposed to increase? and if they do will I be reimbursed for the extra rewards I haven't received?


To Duke Fin,

I am sorry for the confusion. Apparently I had a bug. As far as I can see now, the rewards for all tournaments on level 1 should be 20 points, 2 kp and 2 relics. For level 2 it should be 50 points, 4 relics, 4 kp. No matter if you do 1, 2 or 30 provinces on level 1, the reward stays 20 points, 2 kp and 2 relics for every province on level 1. And 50 points, 4 kp and 4 relics for every province on level 2

Correct me if I am wrong please about this.


Ok cool Tks Anne but there does seem to be some inconsistence of rewards as I got 6 KP and 6 Relics for the first province of the second round.
After several tests we have not been able to reproduce this, unfortunately. Is someone else having the same issues?


Last night I completed the second steel province and was immediately presented with 8 new battles there, all with human units (the first round had had elven units). I was too tired to fight, so I went to bed. This morning I find that tournament in that province is in "come back in XX hours" state.


The same thing has just happened again.
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And once again the same old. Also it again happened in the same province as the two times before. The first... :(


I can extend this bug even further. As you all know probably very well, in some situations after completing province sometimes it allow fighting in it again and count this fights as "next round" already. But what if you could again complete this province? I had "luck" to do this on live servers. First province and very low cost allowed me to quickly buy all of them. Effect? Province is blocked. After 16h I could enter it, but all fights were marked as done. And I cannot progress in tournament for this province. Now I am waiting if after next 16h will unlock it or province is blocked in this state to end of tournament. For now it is still locked...


And so the bug returned once again. And again its province 1 in the tournament...


issue is still there indeed;

y-day evening, starting the tournament
province 1, level 1
completing 8 encounters : ok
getting rewards : looks ok as well
when "going back to province" after the 8th encounter at level 1, I was presented with the province map with 8 brand new encounters;
tried to complete the 1st one, but could not : when I was delivering the "coup de grâce" to the last enemy unit, an unexpected error occurred and my game reloaded;
I tried to resume the fight, with identical results;
so I decided to drop it;
when returning to the map, province 1 was in cool-down for 16:00 hours;

this afternoon, province 1, level 2
completing 8 encounters, ok
return to first part to know what happened ;)
We have been unable to reproduce this problem. Should it happen again, please contact Support, so that we can check our tools as well at the moment it occurs. :)


Ok, so I have reported this quite a few times to the support now, but unfortunately nobody could help me.

Strangely, this phenomenon did not appear in the last Steel tournament in which I participated. But now in the Planks one its back again and my second province once again showed as finished after I cleared all 8 encounters. All I want to know is what did I won aside of KPs... :confused: