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Cannot reproduce [12551] Weeping willow without mana production


Game version: __v1.20.2-(9ebd3f3) (2016-12-07 14:07)
Game world: __ beta 1
Browser + version: __ firefox 50.0
Flash Player version: __23.0.0.207
Operating System: __ win 10 1607 64 bit
Screen resolution: __ 1920x1080
Account name: __ juni
Humans or Elves: __ elves

Reproducibility: 1/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __

Current situation:
__ well, that one weeping willow does not produce mana. the others are doing fine, but one refuses to produce.

Expected situation:
__ it should

Reproduction Steps
__ have a weeping willow.
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __

it can be resolved via reload, but they already worked perfectly fine out of the box...


  • nomana1.jpg
    480.8 KB · Views: 221


Spotted that problem in my city as well. Reload helped here too.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks both :)
As @Katzenprinz has said, this issue seems to be a duplicate of the one reported here. Please follow the progress of this issue in the linked thread. You can also respond there with any further details about this issue :)


well, that describes a completely different issue, but who cares.

I could collect, they can't collect.

afterwards, my weeping willow stopped working, theirs remained working.

I have no clue, why the bug happened, whereas the bug over there happend at a certain situation that was not present here (I did not receive neighborly help on this one).

or are my bugreports just that unreadable?

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks Juni - my apologies, this does indeed seem a different issue than the one I linked above, though the two may be connected in some way

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Unfortunately we have been unable to reproduce this issue so far. If anyone is able to do so consistently, please let us know the steps needed to reproduce the issue, thanks :)


well, that describes a completely different issue, but who cares.

I could collect, they can't collect.

afterwards, my weeping willow stopped working, theirs remained working.

I have no clue, why the bug happened, whereas the bug over there happend at a certain situation that was not present here (I did not receive neighborly help on this one).

or are my bugreports just that unreadable?

to add to both examples : this morning, after leaving my game open over the night, my weeping willows showed nothing to collect, and hovering the mouse over them showed a popup that did not even mention mana :confused:
everything went back to normal after a good old reload, though ...:rolleyes:


Same here. I had it also happend this morning after the game had been open for some time. Luckily with just one of the Willows. A reload worked for me as well.


just had it again, in 2 ww next to each other.

I tried to harvest the row real quickly... it reminds me of that bug some months ago (maybe last year), when harvesting more than a few buildings in one rush lead to stuck coin-symbols.


just an idea, since I saw that most weeping willows WITHOUT polish have their mana missing:

try the following reproduction steps (in your test-environment):

account A has a few weeping willows
account B, C etc polish some of those willows

account A needs to be logged in when the polish wears off: my guess, the script that removes the polish-information accidentially removes the mana-information too.


Okay, I've reported how to reproduce the bug, would you mind proving it? shouldn't be too hard to replicate the bug in a test environment.

does anyone from the mods or devs actually look in the bug archive?


Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks for the additional information Juni, we have re-opened this bug report and are attempting to reproduce it with the new steps given :)

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Update: Here's what we have so far... this issue also occurs at least under the following circumstances - if you are online at the time when a Weeping Willow that has finished production and is ready to collect receives NH, the Mana information vanishes, and reappears when you refresh the game, exactly as described above.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks for your patience on this one folks, and thanks again to @Juni for the reproduction steps. This issue occurs both when a Weeping Willow is polished while you are in your city, and also when the polish wears off while you are in your city. The Mana information, and the Mana ready icon disappear both when the polish is applied, and when it wears off. Refreshing the game resolves the issue in both cases.

We will get this forwarded to our development team for fixing


sorry, but...

as explained in the other thread, the new bug shows a different behavior. it does not happen under all circumstances, which could've caused the old bug, and it shows a different behavior.

besides, this bug described in this thread was already confused with another bug, you've created (why do you create them in the first place?).