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Fixed [10408] Missing participating neighbors in tournament


Game version: v1.8.3-(65d9177) (2016-06-09 11:56)
Game world: zz1 (beta)
Browser + version: Google chrome
Flash Player version: 21,0,0,242
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1366 x 768
Account name: Laurelin
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
In the tournament menu I can see that my neighbours are participating in the tournament, but if I click on a province it seems as if I am playing alone, although I can see in the checkpoints that I am certainly not the only one playing.

Expected situation:
In the province menu I expect to see all the neighbours actually participating.

Reproduction Steps:
1. click on the tent to go to the tournament menu
2. double click on a province OR click on the green button next to the province OR once you have done that click on the green button on the left to go to the checkpoint menu
3. __
4. __
5. __

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:
The first is a screenshot of the tournament menu, the second one is a screenshot of the checkpoint menu (first province in the tournament menu, but the others are the same).
==> Screenshots are attached as files.



  • number1.jpg
    351.7 KB · Views: 207
  • number2.jpg
    336.3 KB · Views: 194


I have 8 or 9 provinces open atm, and all are showing this :
the leader of province rankings for each province, announced in the province list ("tent" menu), is not present in the province rankings when you open it ...o_O
this menu is so broken :(


Thus not knowing if it is a bug of display or not I was engaged in a small calculation.
In every tournament that I made I always go the first 5 levels of every province, thus what makes me win 1500 points of tournament by province. Knowing that I am in a desert and that I am always alone on the tournaments, thus it will be necessary to me to make 13 times the tournament marble to reach the level 6 (which asks for 20 000 points of tournament) which will allow me to win 1 rune.
The marble tournament return every 9 weeks, thus it will be necessary me 9*13=117 weeks to win a rune on the tournament.
You imagine my enjoyment by imagining won a rune at the end of ....................................... 2 years and 3 months:eek:

Thus I really hope that it is only the bug of display and that meters will be put back well to zero every beginning of tournament.
Thank you for your report, we have been able to confirm it.

It is not actually that people are missing, but it seems that progress from the previous Tournament of the same type is not reset.
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thanks @Muf-Muf :)
do you imply then that progress from last tournament of the same type should be reset ? ;)


This is currently showing up in my first province. When you look at the name of the best player its a neighbor of mine, but in the ranking list there is only me showing.