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Search results

  1. Fixed [44817] can't review completed way points in FA map on app

    Game version: 1.179.2-e78b709-256 (zz 1.180) Game world: Beta Android 13 Operating System or Mobile Device: Tablet Samsung S7 Screen resolution: Account name:[/B] Koboldina Humans or Elves: Elves Reproducibility: 5/5 Current situation: When clicking an already completed way point at the FA...
  2. FA Frequency and prizes

    I know, there is love and hate about FA. Some fellowships even don't take part. At the moment I count up to 6 FAs during the year. Of course, without the FA most of us cannot complete theire event-buildings, so we need it for that and for the team spirit - no question. Prizes for the first maps...
  3. Fixed [42856] Daily Quest in seasons- wrong text at the chest

    Game version 1.165.2-f7f673c-256(zz1.166) HTML5: Go to your ingame settings and you can copy it from the bottom of the window.) Game world: Beta Android 13 Operating System or Mobile Device: Samsung Tab S7 Screen resolution: Account name: Koboldina Elves Reproducibility: 5/5 Current situation...
  4. scouting level

    I am at the and of chapter 2. Only one province necessary to unlock the next chapter. My scoutable provinces all show level middle. What can I do to get them or at least one of them to an easy level or is it not possible? Barracks are at maximum I have 3 armories and started to upgrade one. Does...
  5. Fixed [42710] Province scouting mismatch

    Game version 1.165.2-f7f673c-256(zz1.166) HTML5: Go to your ingame settings and you can copy it from the bottom of the window.) Game world: Beta Android 13 Operating System or Mobile Device: Samsung Tab S7 Screen resolution: Account name: Koboldina Elves Reproducibility: 1/5 =...