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  1. Discussion Theater Zodiac

    The new building may be useful in higher chapters. Ok. it produces goods and depending of the chapter mana, seed or unurium. But at the moment I dont see a reason to waste petfood for that, when I get enough CCs from the spire, my other event buildings and the library or in emergency by...
  2. Fixed [44817] can't review completed way points in FA map on app

    This is another effect, independent of my reporting. There you can review the contributions.
  3. Fixed [44817] can't review completed way points in FA map on app

    Game version: 1.179.2-e78b709-256 (zz 1.180) Game world: Beta Android 13 Operating System or Mobile Device: Tablet Samsung S7 Screen resolution: Account name:[/B] Koboldina Humans or Elves: Elves Reproducibility: 5/5 Current situation: When clicking an already completed way point at the FA...
  4. Discussion Realm of the Phoenix

    I think you should compare this phoenix with the Twilight Phoenix, not with the Fire Phoenix. Twilight recovers troops up to 5%.It is not really much but helps with waves of troops. I agree, that it should help in turnamentst and provinces too. Relict production is completely useless. I have...
  5. Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    Normally I had about 450 diamonds. Losging in yesterday showed me 2000. Ok, sometimes I get some from spire or a quest, maybe without notion. but I wondered about the amout and upgraded my builder. Just today logging in I found 0 :-(
  6. FA Frequency and prizes

    We need 4 artifacts to cover 2 events. One could be implemented as a reward for map 1. The second either additionally in map 3 or after a special number of rounds in the bottomless pit
  7. Fixed [42710] Province scouting mismatch

    I had provinces in blue and green for scouting. After scouting province 38 the green ones turned to yellow. Is that normal?
  8. Events Ghost in a Bottle Badges

    As the map encounters are not allowed there is no chance to get ghost badges for small players having the new tech tree. There is no access to turnament before somewhere chapter 4 and no spire before somewhere chapter 5. I fought the past FA being chapter 2/3 and could do nothing except...
  9. FA Frequency and prizes

    of course :) Sometimes | am awake but my Englisch is still in bed sleeping... Is it possible to edit the title ? I can't see an option for that
  10. FA Frequency and prizes

    I know, there is love and hate about FA. Some fellowships even don't take part. At the moment I count up to 6 FAs during the year. Of course, without the FA most of us cannot complete theire event-buildings, so we need it for that and for the team spirit - no question. Prizes for the first maps...
  11. Fixed [42856] Daily Quest in seasons- wrong text at the chest

    Game version 1.165.2-f7f673c-256(zz1.166) HTML5: Go to your ingame settings and you can copy it from the bottom of the window.) Game world: Beta Android 13 Operating System or Mobile Device: Samsung Tab S7 Screen resolution: Account name: Koboldina Elves Reproducibility: 5/5 Current situation...
  12. scouting level

    I didn't want to overscout. I need 1 more province to unlock the next advanced scout. /was hoping to get at least one province into an easy scouting modus. Seems not possible. So it is wanted to scout and fight the last province in middle.
  13. scouting level

    I have unlocked all squad sizes. To unlock the advanced scout 1 need 1 more provinces. So I have to scout and fight this last province of the chapter in middle :( so the armory level is not important?
  14. scouting level

    I am at the and of chapter 2. Only one province necessary to unlock the next chapter. My scoutable provinces all show level middle. What can I do to get them or at least one of them to an easy level or is it not possible? Barracks are at maximum I have 3 armories and started to upgrade one. Does...
  15. Fixed [42710] Province scouting mismatch

    I shoudn't have reported it. my buildersmenu said 20 of 23 provinces. I finished 2 more so only one left to get the next expansion. Now it says 23 of 28! :mad: I think, it is the skipped one which I got accidentally before
  16. Not a Bug What about the Fellowship Experience increase?????

    you get the experience added when the FA ends ;-) not now.
  17. Discussion Season of Dreams

    Is it correct, that unfinished weekly quests are taken to the next week?
  18. Fixed [42710] Province scouting mismatch

    If I'm not mistaken, I got 2 instead of 1 extensions, when I unlocked the last extension.
  19. Fixed [42710] Province scouting mismatch

    Game version 1.165.2-f7f673c-256(zz1.166) HTML5: Go to your ingame settings and you can copy it from the bottom of the window.) Game world: Beta Android 13 Operating System or Mobile Device: Samsung Tab S7 Screen resolution: Account name: Koboldina Elves Reproducibility: 1/5 =...
  20. User Interface Researches for new players

    I think, because the research points are different, the tree will not change for older players. Asking is the best option. I have just started here (currently chapter 2) and can say that He full functionality is reached after chapter 5. Some milestones: 1. Neighbourhood, Fellowships 2. Academy...