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Recent content by Hugs

  1. Other How to increase Beta forum participation

    Well, I am a creative one, that means I do not have thick skin. If I had thick skin, I would be stubborn, and claim that my idea are excellent regardless. But, I am not so stupid I believe that everything I post is wise. The thing is, when you are smart you realize that for the brilliant ideas...
  2. Other How to increase Beta forum participation

    Quite some time ago I created a beta account, because I felt I had input to the forum and I wanted those ideas to be responded on, and hopefully lead to some changes being implemented in Elvenar. I posted my ideas, and - yes it is true, I did not spend 200 hours reading every thread before I...
  3. New Game Features Wonder Phoenix

    This is exactly why you do not allocate more than 1 kp for each ancient wonder. - yes, you will probably also hit your own ancient wonders (on alts), but - with only 1 kp. I do not think it is fair if you would have automatically allocated the kp to a specific "friend" - that would just be a...
  4. New Game Features Wonder Phoenix

    Ok, if we adjust it a bit - so that you cannot add a kp to a wonder where there is less than 6 kp left? - and also - that you will never get a reward from it, even if you are the only one helping? Or, you could just add an option to each ancient wonder that will reject either any addition of...
  5. New Game Features Wonder Phoenix

    I have to admit, I am not the artist you are... - but I figured the phoenix would sit as decoration something like this, and then... - there could be a frame of feathers that it had dropped around the other edges. (I did not include that) The exclamation mark, showing that there is an action...
  6. New Game Features Wonder Phoenix

    Now, I do apreciate the tone we are able to have in this discussion, where we focus on backing each other up, rather than hitting each other. I read a bit on that thread you listed, and I felt uncomfortable because of the beatings I felt they gave you. :( I have not yet come to endorse groups...
  7. New Game Features Wonder Phoenix

    I think it is going to be only one Phoenix, the Royal Amethyst Phoenix - as you described it. We do not need more buildings just to get more functionality. Ain't we like kings in our cities? - well, then what is a Royal Amethyst Phoenix then, if not a guardian and servant for us? :cool: One...
  8. New Game Features Wonder Phoenix

    One idea I have had for a time, and that could be incorporated in your Phoenix is "space for notes"... Let us think, when you have the Phoenix, it will be like your servant. When you log on, the Phoenix screen will welcome you - and tell you what you want to do. Now, that might sound like magic...
  9. Other Enticing players to return

    Well, I understand this is a lost battle. I probably also worded myself badly. The main part of the "auto-mode" was more for the other players than for me. The remainding was more equal to a nice little gift you get once a week, and frankly - I thought - why don't everyone get this gift once a...
  10. New Game Features Wonder Phoenix

    Nice phoenix, and a lot of interesting and creative ideas :) I suggest it is not an event bound thing to be gotten, but either something you get in the Spire, or maybe even better, something that you reasearch and build and cannot sell again, like the Barracks, after you have discovered and...
  11. Other Enticing players to return

    With your responses it sounds like what I am asking is a lot... - let's say my main hall is level 25... - that means that if I am away for a bit more than a week, I will recieve 25 formula fragments and 1 relic. I will have 16-17 knowledge points, and be able to collect maybe 160% more gold and...
  12. Other Enticing players to return

    Well, if it is a self playing city or not will depend on what "playing Elvenar" is consisting of inside your head. Inside of my head the game is about growing my city, learning new upgrades or strengths, puzzling the buildings together so I get a good balance, trying to have enough resources for...
  13. Other Enticing players to return

    Ye, well, I believe you are right :( - there are things we have been asking for - that did not even get a reply from developers - making it clear they are not that interested in what we are thinking. I just recently looked at the last live event, where they said that they were actually reading...
  14. Other Enticing players to return

    When I started out playing Elevnar, I thought it was a very nice game, but ... - I had to wait a lot, so I created more cities. It was nice and fun for quite some time, and my cities grew bigger... until ... it felt like an uninspiring heavy burden and a thief of time. So I stopped playing for a...
  15. Problem: cities stopped early in their development

    Considering that what some users are doing today, start an account and work just far enough to understand what boosted goods they got, and if it was wrong, they vacate the city, and start over... - an option allowing them to restart that city which they know they will leave, will be a relief for...