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Discussion Release Notes version 1.120


Well-Known Member
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please see the Release Notes of our current game version here and let us hear your thoughts about it in this thread!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Beta Team


Well-Known Member
Indeed. It´s a shame, I liked the new version much better, not only better explaining, but visually performed as well.. Let´s just hope it was the first test and another is coming up..


Active Member
Indeed. It´s a shame, I liked the new version much better, not only better explaining, but visually performed as well.. Let´s just hope it was the first test and another is coming up..

If you're talking about the small icon, I actually prefer the smaller circular icons. It makes the whole tree looks compact and simple at a glance.


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or have they brought back the small circle icons for the research tree in the mobile app?
Indeed. It´s a shame, I liked the new version much better, not only better explaining, but visually performed as well.. Let´s just hope it was the first test and another is coming up..
Yes and no. I got the old circle icons too. However, once I upgraded to app version 1.119 the new style was there again.
If you're talking about the small icon, I actually prefer the smaller circular icons. It makes the whole tree looks compact and simple at a glance.
Agreed. I like the small icons too. But I also like the detailed view in the new system. A hybrid would be preferred by me: old style small icons in the research tree and the new detailed window after I click on a research. ;)


For some bizarre reason they decided to change the order of the troops when choosing troops for a fight. It used to be mages in the middle and now it's mages on the right side. Actually I'm only Chapter IV so I don't know if they changed the order for the Training Grounds and Merc Camp. It's a great change if the plan is to confuse people who have been playing for years and are used to clicking on troops in a certain position. I would really love to know why they made this change.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
Hopefuly a bug:
Sorceress is on right and Blossom Princess on left.
And training queue they are in the middle.

Training units: (no change)


Army setup: (Mages moved from the middle)


Not sure about training grouds units, I don't have Training grounds on beta.
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Deleted User - 88256

Actually, if Training Grounds units order haven't been changed, this is the order in which the units are unlocked in the tech tree. I think this order was used veeeeery long ago.


Well-Known Member
actually they messed up all places
earlier my troops stash was received from server in that order:
Sword Acrobat
Elite Archer
Bud Sorceress
Elder Treant
Granite Golem
Sinister Cerberus
Poison Dryad
Gruff Orc Warrior
Senior Orc Strategist
Venom Drone Rider
Forest Warden
Blossom Princess
Vallorian Champion
Frog Prince
now it's received like that:
Sword Acrobat
Elite Archer
Sinister Cerberus
Elder Treant
Granite Golem
Bud Sorceress
Poison Dryad
Senior Orc Strategist
Gruff Orc Warrior
Blossom Princess
Venom Drone Rider
Pro Ranger
Veteran Guard
Tired Toad
Yes, I don't have a single tg_ma, so they are absent from that list
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Deleted User - 81190

@Marindor Are there any plans to allow us to store evolving buildings and ancient wonders?
Given how AWs play into Spire and tournament calculations I don't see it happening for AWs any time soon. Hope for evolvers though, there is no reason for these not to be teleportable. I don't put out marginal evolution buildings (which is most of them) because right now it is a one way street.


Beverages for workshop *1 = 2 min., *2=3 min., *3=4 min. And *4 and higher is 5 minutes.
Would this influence the FSA for the Dwarvenbadge?


Well-Known Member
Given how AWs play into Spire and tournament calculations I don't see it happening for AWs any time soon. Hope for evolvers though, there is no reason for these not to be teleportable. I don't put out marginal evolution buildings (which is most of them) because right now it is a one way street.

They told it would require a lot of versions of the same building.
I proposed teleporting at levels 1,5 and 10 but no interest.