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New Game Features yet another neighbourly help suggestion


All the world map loading really is going on my nerves and for our fellowships we already have this nice list to visit all our fellows without the need of the world map, so I thought since we have spare space next to the fellowship button:
Why not have a list of our neighbourhood there too?
Could look like this:

For the list of the neighbours I thought about options to sort them by score, distance (going in a clockwise spiral starting from the north province, or something), or name.
So we would not need to load the world map all the time. What would be already a great benefit!
Furthermore I thought in a later stage of developement the devs could implement a dropdown menu (like the one (Arch)mages have to promote members) to be able to help neighbours without even visiting their city :D

In my mind it would look like something like this:


Great idea ! This goes in the direction of helping players and improving game interactions. And I love the desgin ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow, I like this idea. If you add an additionel buttom with "Perform Help", it would be extremly helpful.


Excellent lordB
That shall really simplify us the life.

I love even more the system of the drop-down menu, because one can help the neighbors according to their needs if they have to think of putting it in their city name which would be just in quoted


very good suggestion indeed
this would definitely put aside all these issues with memory leaks ;)
(not solve them, mind you, but at least we would be less affected ...)


I'm for this idea! There could be a little arrow on the right of each player for you to choose what you want to motivate[culture,builder, MH] :) That would really help and motivate me to give neighbourly help ^^ I play in the ENelvenar and motivating has become a huge bore for me and i rarely do it except for my guild members...