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Fixed [Wrong text]: "Reseach advanced Workshop" target on the "Better Workshops" quest


Description: When i open a new quest called as "Better Workshops", the game shows this mission.
In this target there is a small wrong text called as "Reseach advanced Workshop" (Video 1, 0:23s)
If i click on the "Research" button on the main menu of the game, here the game shows a tree research with the same name but with Capital letter (Video 1, 0:58s)

Step by Step:
1)I log into my account
2)I wait which my empire is loading
3)I click on the left side a new icon quest called as ""Better Workshops", the game shows this mission.
4)In this target there is a small wrong text called as "Reseach advanced Workshop" (Video 1,
5)If i click on the "Research" button on the main menu of the game, here the game shows a tree research with the same name but with Capital letter (Video 1, 0:58s)

Wrong text: "Research advanced Workshop"

Right text: "Research Advanced Workshop"

Browser: Google Chrome 40.0.2214.115 m
Flash player version: WIN 16,0,0,305,
OS: Windows 8.1 Pro
Size Monitor:1366x768
Monitor: AMD Radeon HD 7670
Nickname: etms51
Language: En

Video 1 =>

Please fix this small wrong text.