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Not a Bug Wrong icon/tooltip over barracks


Game version: v0.35.3-(c5f36cd) (2016-02-02 17:59)
Game world: zz1
Browser + version: FF 44.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win7 64bit
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: LordB
Humans or Elves: Elf
Reproducibility: Unknown: haven't trained so much yet.

I just saw an sword dancer/acrobat icon over my barracks and the tooltip after moving over it said 100 acrobats, but after clicking on it an 8 and a treant symbol was "flying" from it. What should be correct since i collected swords earlier and had my queue like sword/treant/sword/treant/sword.

1. Put Sword Acrobats in the queue followed by treants.
2. Collect the swords after they are ready.
3. Watch an Dancer icon/tooltip when the treants are rdy.
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If the new icons and stuff are intended I think there shouldn't be a sword acrobat symbol, if there are no swords but treants rdy ;)


Yeah... looks like I was/am too tired today and didn't get it right with all the new icons and the tooltip...


now I am getting swords for golems ...
anything logical ?
The icon hovering over the barracks is always the same (not dependant on the queued nor finished production). As for the other icons.. maybe a screenshot will help? Actually I'm not even sure if we're all talking about the same icons. :p


ok, I think I get it now !
swords on barracks signal troops ready to be collected, and then the bubble is in the shape of the collected troops
am I right ?o_O


Hmm i just collected my overnight production
16 Golem III / 25 Sorc II / 16 Golem III / 25 Sorc II / 16 Golem III

It should be:
48 Golems
50 Sorcs

But the numbers showed:
50 Golems
50 Sorcs

Was/Is it a display bug, or do we get ,x troops now?
I can train 100 troops at a time max, so for golems thats 16,6667 at once.. so it was always 16 in the past,
but with the accumulating now 3 x 100 = 300
300:6 = 50 would be theoretical be possible?!?!

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Hmm now it doesn't match... just now collecting showed 18 treants and 300 dancer, but 100:12= 8,333 and 200:12=16,6667, so i never come to 18...


Some more data:
Yesterday evening I took notes of my amount of troop in the army camp. There I had 2623 Golems
Today in the morning collecting showed 50 Sorcs and 33 Golems (I produced 2x 25 sorcs and 2 x 16 golems[100:6=16,67]),
so one Golem more then shown in the queue and also the total amount in my army camp was increased by 33 to 2656.