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Cannot reproduce Wrong graphic overlay


Game version: 0.23.410-cdfd919-(master) (2015-08-19 13:03)
Game world: zz1
Browser + version: FF 40.0.2
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win7 64bit
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: LordB
Humans or Elves: Elf
Hardware Acceleration: ON

Reproducibility: 2/5

Current situation:
A couple of month ago i had a Crop of Joy in front of my mainhall instead hiding behind, I thought it is a one time thing (moving and anchoring the mainhall fix this), but today I got it three times!
Furthermore I tested now some other locations and buildings and it looks like whenever I place a one wide building (tested: Crop of Joy, Gift of the Garden Fairy, Altar of the Forefather) with the top corner on this square:

Their graphic is in front of the mainhall instead behind until I grap my mainhall and let it reanchor
I also tested a lvl 15 residence and other spots for the top right corner, with normal behavior.
Sadly I could't test any more buildings because of space issues in town ;)

Expected situation:
The mainhall should be in front.

Reproduction Steps
Place a one wide building with the top on the square shown above

Screenshots of the bug:

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Hmm that's odd. I have it everytime I place a one wide building there, also tested it with chrome now with the same result.
I've tried it again now, using the exact same buildings (Elven Main Hall level 15 and a Crop of Joy), in the exact same spot as on your screenshot, using the same browser and everything, and I still can't reproduce it. :(


While visiting another city I saw this:

Looks very similar, because here are also one wide buildings involved.
Furthermore only the right was overlayed all the time, the overlay of the left Flower Pot I could trigger with zooming in and out, or moving around left/right.


After rearanging my city I saw an Alter of the Forefather overlaying a Gems Manufacory, after fixing it by moving and reanchoring the factory I couldn't reproduce it with the Altar, but with a Gift of the Garden Fairy and a Crop of Joy.

Edit: Was able to reproduce it with another factory

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