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Not a Bug Wrong culture bonus


Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: Firefox 37.0.2
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium
Account name: Sajtmacska
Humans or Elves: Elves
Reproducibility: (Since Friday evening always happens; did not notice before.)
Current situation:
My available culture points: 10.503
Required for current bonus level (160%): 10.000
If I'd like to upgrade a building (e.g.: planks manufactory to lvl 12, it takes 6 culture points) then my available culture points decreasing under 10.000, and i'll have only 150% bonus instead of 160%.
Expected situation:
Good values on the screen
Reproduction Steps
Check my culture points & bonuses
2. Activate an upgrade & check the required culture points
3. Check again the culture points & bonuses
4. New values will extremely lower


Thank you for reporting this to us, Sajtmacska. This is in fact part of the intended behavior of the Culture levels.

The amount of Culture you're using is related both to your used population and culture requirements, and in addition to that the amount of Culture you need for each level increases as well. For example, if you build something that requires "1" culture, this is 1 culture solely for the main Culture level. For every additional level the amount will go up. So the culture requirement isn't "6" for you even though you're building something that requires just 6 culture.


Thank you for reporting this to us, Sajtmacska. This is in fact part of the intended behavior of the Culture levels.

The amount of Culture you're using is related both to your used population and culture requirements, and in addition to that the amount of Culture you need for each level increases as well. For example, if you build something that requires "1" culture, this is 1 culture solely for the main Culture level. For every additional level the amount will go up. So the culture requirement isn't "6" for you even though you're building something that requires just 6 culture.

... I have tried and failed to understand this. Would you (or anyone) like to try again to clarify how this works?


Working population influence the requirement for maintaining a cultural level.
I don't know the exact numbers at what points the working population count increase the requirements, but when you build a lot (especially when the upgrades/building requiere a lot population) the chance is high that the requirements for your curent culture level increases.
An example with fake numbers:
Your current culture level needs a cultur surplus of 10k and you have 10037.
Then you build/upgrade a building that requires 150 population and 20 culture.
It first looks like you can still manage your culture level, but the 150 more working population increase your cultural needs for the current level to 10100 so you drop a level.

I hope I could explain you the mechanic in an understanding way. I'm not native english speaking :oops:


I have tried and failed to understand this
Same for me :).

If I understand the initial report correctly, I would advise to add Available Culture, Neighborly Help Bonus and 'Needed for next level' and check, if it still says 10000 (maybe 11000 now...).
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I don't have the exact numbers handy so unfortunately I am unable to present an "exact" example. But, let's see if this is more understandable...

There is "basic required culture", this is composed both of used population and culture requirements (there is obviously a calculation in place as to how it works precisely). Meaning this goes up every time your culture and population requirements go up. Let's call this level 0, your productions are at 100% with this.

Then there is level 1, where your productions are at 125%. To reach this level you need extra culture. Every time the basic level goes up, the requirements for this go up.

Then there is level 2, where your productions are at 150%. To reach this level you need even more culture. Every time the basic level goes up, the requirements for this go up even more.

Repeat the above for level 3 (productions at 160%) and level 4 (productions at 170%) as well.

This means when you're upgrading a building you're merely seeing how the changes will affect you on level 0 (the basic required culture). But depending on what Culture Level you currently have, the final result would be different. If you need just 6 culture for level 0, that might mean you need 600 for level 4 (these numbers are likely wrong, but hopefully they get the point across).


Ok thanks folks. I do understand that there are different levels of culture and that when you upgrade/add buildings you need more cultural buildings to maintain the same level. If that's all you were talking about, Darkstar, I apologize for misreading you - I thought you were talking about something more complicated than that ... something that might possibly explain why my "culture bonus counter" hasn't changed all day, even though I've been upgrading both residences and workshops.

But since that seems not to be the case:

Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: Firefox 37.0.2
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium
Account name: Mink
Humans or Elves: Elves
Reproducibility: Nonstop all day today - I haven't noticed it earlier.
Current situation:
In my "culture bonus counter" it says I'm at 170%.
It says "required for current level: 3900; available culture: 4404".
It's said that all day, even though I've upgraded six residences from level 5 to level 7, one residence from level 4 to level 5, and two manufactories from level 2 to level 3; I've also sold one residence.
(For the sake of full disclosure: Off and on there are also "neighbourly help boni" but that doesn't enter into the oddness I'm describing here.)

Expected situation:
The figures in the "culture bonus counter" should vary as I upgrade buildings, add buildings and sell buildings.

Reproduction Steps
1] Look at the figures in the "culture bonus counter".
2] Add or upgrade a manufactory or other non-cultural building.
3] Look at the "culture bonus counter" figures again and note with dismay that they haven't changed.
4] Worry about what's going to happen when the apparently stuck counter gets fixed - will the bottom drop out of my cultural level??