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Duplicate Worshop: What kind of supplies is in production ?


When I have workshops producing supplies, I don't see what is going on ? Beuverage, bread, groceries??
I see only the time remaining with "quantity supplies".
It would be nice to know what kind of supply I'll receive at the end of production.


The supplies you receive at end of production are all the same no matter what length of time they take to produce
Difference between the types produced is the amount of supplies you get at end of production
It is the same with goods we produce


For quests I think it can be helpful, if you don't have internalized all produced amounts with different cultural bonuses, since many quests require different productions and not a flat amount of supplies.


It allready shows you what you are producing in your workshops and manufactories when you click on them before the production is finished. Once the production is finished it just show the amount of supplies/goods.


yes but yu must click on each workshop to see what is producing !
What I suggest it is when you place the pointer on a worshop yu read instead of "XXXX x supplies " >> "XXXX x bread"c (or beverages or others)


And the same for manufacture ! when production is finished yu don't know what kind of thing you collect ! If you have 7 manufactures of steel for ex. and you produce different things it is a problem ! for the quests it is important to know what you collect.