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Not a Bug Winter Magic - misleading reveal notification


King of Bugs
Game version:v1.93-beta.14-(754fd7a) (2019-11-19 20:31)
HTML5: no
Game world: zz1
Browser + version: Firefox Quantum 70.0 64-bit
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: Dony
Humans or Elves: Elf

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: none

Current situation:
Right now reveal have a text of revealing 2 gifts + there is x2 in upper left corner, which imply that we get 4x reveal which is not the case
it should be either
1. text should state reveal 1 gift and upper left corner notification should be 2x
2. text stays as it is and upper left corner notification should be 1x or nothing

it should be either
1. text should state reveal 1 gift and upper left corner notification should be 2x
2. text stays as it is and upper left corner notification should be 1x or nothing

Reproduction steps:
open winter magic event window
observe reveal


  • reveal.png
    83.1 KB · Views: 112


@Dony Can you take a picture of the whole gifts screen? I have received the 2x before. They are confusing. The ones I had showed 2 gifts, but I had to really look for that 2nd one.


Well-Known Member
2 reveals are coded as 2x 1 reveal in client files, but tooltip is created without showing amount of prizes in the mind, so it looks like 2x double reveal after today's update. While actually it is 2x single reveal.


This has been ruled not a bug. It has been forwarded by Marindor as feedback. Thank you for your input.